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6th Annual DC Hip-Hop Theater Festival


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From Monday, July 10 to Saturday, July 15, breakdancers from France and Brazil headline a dynamic lineup determined to reinvent American theatre and dance and engage DC urbanites in the nation’s capital at the 6th Annual DC Hip-Hop Theater Festival, a production of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities and the Hip-Hop Theater Festival.


The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Studio Theater and Woodrow Wilson Plaza will be the main venues for performances. The free festival will showcase the dynamic brand of contemporary art, music, theater, dance and poetry being crafted by members of the hip-hop generation. The festival is free and open to the public.


“The festival’s performers are exciting and keep people coming back,” says Anthony Gittens, Executive Director of the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities. “These young artists are willing to break from the norm and in doing so have developed an art form that is wholly unique.”


WHAT: Free festival of art, music, theater, dance, poetry and film inspired by hip-hop.

WHO: Niels "Storm" Robitzky from France

Frank Ejara from Brazil

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Terrace Theater

DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities

Hip-Hop Theater Festival of New York City


WHEN: Monday, July 10 - Saturday, July 15


Opening night is July 10 at 6 pm at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Showtimes vary throughout the week.


WHERE: The festival opens at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts at 6 pm. The rest of the performance locations vary throughout the week based on each show.


The nearest Metro to the Kennedy Center is Foggy Bottom; there is a free shuttle bus.

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