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DCpages Staffer Robert Bobbin


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DCpages just got a call from one of our family members. Robbie B currently located in Aktar Village, Afghanistan. Rob says that he misses Washington DC. But and the local villagers are nice and support a free Afghanistan. His unit recovered and destroyed rebel weapons caches. The Aktar village is located near the Arghandab river.


Arghandab is a river of Afghanistan, about 250 mi. in length. It rises in the Hazara country north-west of Ghazni, and flowing south-west falls into the Helmund 20 mi. below Girishk. Very little is known about its upper course. In its lower course it is much used for irrigation, and the valley is cultivated and populous; yet the water is said to be somewhat brackish. It is doubtful whether the ancient Arachotus is to be identified with the Arghandab or with its chief confluent the Tarnak, which joins it on the left out 30 mi. S. W. of Kandahar. The two rivers run nearly parallel, inclosing the backbone of the Ghilzai plateau. The Tarnak is much the shorter (length about 200 mi.) and less copious. The ruins at Ulan Robat, supposed to represent the city Arachosia, are in its basin; and the lake known as Ab-i-Istada, the most probable representative of Lake Arachotus, is near the head of the Tarnak, though not communicating with it. The Tarnak is dammed for irrigation at intervals, and in the hot season almost exhausted.


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Should I worry here. This is a good friend. It is Friday. Robert where are you bro.


Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 4:48 PM

To: luke@dcpages.com

Subject: Loaky Whats up? It's RoB



Hey Luke,

I'm really glad I finally got in touch with you. Things here in Afganistan have been interesting to say the least. Congradulations on getting Married! So where are you located in DC? Is Dougy and Toma still with you? I want to write more and tell you what I've been up to, but that will have to wait until tommorrow. I have to get to bed soon, because we have a scouting mission tommorrow along this villiage mountain pass.


Your friend always RoB


PS.Don't worry I'll send a lot more.



Send me word by email, message board, or telephone. Remember this campfire photo to help to ward off Ghosts and Goblins.




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Last Monday Taliban was planning to attack the Forward Operating Base (FOB) where Rob is stationed in retaliation for capturing their leader along with a cache of weapons, and insurgents. The attack never came, due to a really good relationship local villagers.


Rob is either going to FOB Lagman, which is the battalion headquarters, where his platoon will be the permanent Quick Response Force for the entire battalion. The other possible outpost is FOB Lain, which is a Special Forces base, his platoon would be attatched to them, and acting as their bulk muscle when needed.


We have been helping the Afgani National Army Train up to better standards. A nice portion of our missions deal with helping some of the needs of the regions villages.


I am just happy Rob is alive. He is a hero in my book.

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  • 1 month later...

Since I have recieved email about how Rob is doing, I thought I would continue on his status. Here is his latest email to us.


Hey Hey,

Cant write too much at that momment, but everything is going pretty good.

This past Mountain Thrust operation has been the largest operation since the beginning of this war, I'm prowd of that. I cant write too much right now about whats going on out her because current operations are still going on, but I can tell you that we havnt sustained that many casualties, and that we're massing a good amount of enemy kills, and captures.


Sometime this week I will be heading out, and will be cut off from the rest of the world for several days again.


I'll write back later,




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I asked PFC Robert Bobbin whether or not we could win the war in Afganistan. Here is his reply.


Do I think we will win this war? That's a tricky question. I know that we're hurting the Taliban, and all of their supporting elements, however, the US should be looking toward staying here for the long haul, maybe have troops rotate through Afghanistan like Korea, or Germany.


Right now, the Afghani National Army isn't quite strong enough to defend itself down in the southern regions of this country, and definitely as a whole not strong enough to attack Pakistan. See, Pakistan is Afghanistan's worst enemy. All of my Afghani Army buddies, and villagers have told me, that's where most of the problems come from. It will take years of nurturing this country, to make it strong enough.


The difference now compared to when the Russians were in Afghanistan, is that most of the Afghani people really want us here, and that the Russians were using inferior equipment, and tactics. Also the Russians Politically lost the war back home, and logistically it was costing them way too much.


I've been in a good amount of fire fights now, almost all of them had been hairy. The longest battle took about three hours, believe it or not, the time goes by really fast when your in it. I hate mortars, and RPG's, bullets aren't too bad, ha ha.


I'll write back soon, take care, Ive got an air assault mission coming up, it should be intense.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks like Robert is involved in Operation Mountain Thrust, now under way in southern Afghanistan.


Afghan and coalition forces are putting pressure on insurgents in areas where they haven't previously operated, Rumsfeld said. The coalition forces conducted a raid on a known extremist compound July 10, killing more than 40 extremists. This could explain the surge in violence, because terrorists see the success of democracy in the country and can sense their demise, he said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a military 'Stars and Stripes' news article where Robert is being interviewed.





FORWARD OPERATING BASE LANE, Afghanistan — U.S. forces in the Chalcor Valley on Thursday faced their largest assault since the start of Operation Mountain Thrust, with more than 100 Taliban fighters blasting their defenses for more than two hours.


Still, officials from the 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry said American and Afghan forces suffered only one minor casualty — a richocheted bullet passed through a U.S. soldier’s leg — and managed to force back the militants.


First Lt. Ryan Edwards, 1st Platoon leader for the 2-4, said Taliban fighters advanced within yards of defensive positions in this northern section of Zabul province. At one point, U.S. soldiers were taking fire from five directions.


Pvt. Robert Bobbin of the 4th Infantry’s Company A, said the unit has seen firefights in the area before, “but never this intense.”


The area has become dangerous in recent months, according to base officials, with local villagers recently announcing a jihad against coalition forces.


Edwards said patrols routinely search nearby villages and find few people left living there. But at night, Taliban forces often take control of those areas, leading coalition commanders to believe they are receiving help from locals.


Thursday’s Taliban attack force was larger, better armed and better equipped than past fighters, Edwards said. The province shares a border with Pakistan on the south, and U.S. forces have been monitoring that line to prevent reinforcements from that country to Taliban forces in Afghanistan.


The 2-4 is scheduled to pull out of Zabul province later this month, but unit commanders said plans for a continued U.S. presence here are still up in the air.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest human_*

Question; Is there anyway we can e-mail the base were he is stationed at??????



Rob just wanted to say hi to all his DCpages buddies.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This is what I received from Rob


Hey Luke,

That sounds really awesome. I'll talk to my chain of command, and try to get this ball rolling. I guess for the chopper flights to different FOB's youll get some kind of press clearance to fly with us, or to meet us where ever we may be. My platoon came back for us, so tonight we'll be rolling out for operation Medusa, I'm not sure how much news coverage is on it, but its huge.


I'll keep you posted.



Operation Medusa is an offensive by major elements of the International Security Assistance Force and Afghan National Army. It aimed to establish government control over an area of Kandahar Province centerned on the town of Panjwaye some 30 km west of Kandahar city. This area is characterized by numerous small farming villages in the valley of the Arghandab River.


Afghan and NATO forces killed more than 200 Taliban fighters in a major operation in southern Afghanistan, NATO said on September 3, 2006. Four Canadian soldiers with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force were killed and nine others were wounded in the fighting in Kandahar province, a statement from the alliance said. “Reports indicate that more than 200 Taliban fighters have been killed since Operation Medusa began early morning on September 2, 2006. This figure was arrived at by reviewing information from ISAF surveillance and reconnaissance assets operating in Panjway and Zhari districts, as well as information reported by various Afghan officials and citizens living nearby,” it said. More than 80 suspected Taliban fighters were captured by Afghan police and a further 180 insurgents were seen fleeing the district, the statement said.


NATO said there were no reports of civilian casualties, despite the heavy weight of fire being used. Earlier, Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Zahir Azimi, citing intelligence reports, said 89 suspected Taliban militants and an uncertain number of civilians had been killed during two days of fighting in Panjwayi district. It was not immediately possible to gain independent confirmation of the casualty reports, as the government has ordered vehicles off the roads leading to Panjwayi. A NATO statement said its troops reported dozens of insurgents killed during fighting Saturday, the first day of the operation. It said many more have been wounded, and a significant number arrested.


The insurgency is going through its bloodiest period since U.S.-backed forces overthrew a Taliban government in late 2001 after it refused to hand over Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. More than 2,000 people, most of them militants, along with scores of civilians and aid workers as well as hundreds of Afghan security personnel have been killed so far 2006, while over 100 foreign troops, have died, including those killed in the plane crash on September 2, 2006.


At least five Canadian soldiers have died in combat in the campaign, Operation Medusa, and 14 British troops were killed when their plane crashed.

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Dear Rob I miss you very much and I hope you are ok. I know you are putting your life on the line for us Americans back home. I commend you for that and I think about you all the time. You are a great army man and I love the us army and I hope you are safe and well. Rob I would like to hear from you so please send me an Emil to me when you get the chance. Your friend Joe knight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the latest from Robbo "Baggins" Bobbin,


Wed 9/20/2006 1:13 PM


Hey Peeps,

I just got back to Kandahar Airfield, and actually stole this time to let you all know I'm alive and well. I'm sorry I dont have the time to respond to individual emails just yet, simply, I'm tuckered out, and need some wink winks, however we have possibly 48 hours before this next super of the duper missions. The upper management have been running us in the red.


Tommorrow I should be able to communicate with you all individually.


The RoBBo


I delayed posting Robbo whereabouts for obvious reasons.


Thu 9/21/2006 11:24 AM


Hey Luke,


Hows it going? In about 48 hours we're about to head on out again, a real choice mission. As of right now I cant tell you too much about it, not untill its over, but I can say itll be a shooter, with some key elements. Operation Medusa was a success. After that mission, we refitted for 24 hours, then went out with several Special Force Teams, to do psyops mission / humanitarian. Its nice to be back at Kandahar, even for 72 hours.


Luke, I have not had a chance to run DCPAGES by the CO yet, Im going to track him down today.




PS. Say hi to Joe for me, and have him do the joe dance for me.


Also, In the beginning of the operation, the canadians suffered some loses due to an enemy recoiless ryfle, and also a miss communication between canadian ground units and a american a-10. The A-10 caused 36 casualties on a straiffing run, its sad. So the Canadians had my company come in for the main effort, to clear out the inside of the city. Only the first couple days did we get moderate resistance from the enemy.

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Hi Rob how are you doing over there? I miss you very much and I support you all the way and I hope you are safe and well. I will do the Joe knight dance video for you and send it to you soon. Be safe and come back home soon to the great USA! I will write you soon and let you know how I’m doing. Take care Rob and be safe. Joe knight!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the latest from Rob


Ive been doing some missions near the Pakistan border up in the mountains. Just today we got one of our hummvees stuck, and lit up some insurgents that fired a rpg at us from over 600 meters away, what were these morons thinking.





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