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Samuel A.C. Brooks of Washington, D.C. says that he wants to be the next council member for ward 3 but can the best educated ward in DC or maybe the United States afford it?


Samuel A.C. Brooks has absolutely no work history and has lied about it many times to the media and to boot, he has a very serious credibility problem.


First off and for a long time, Samuel A.C. Brooks boasted about having a very successful "Internet" business but a careful examination of this claim finds that the business he spoke of was one he operated out of his bedroom in his parent's house and it was so successful, it didn't even make him enough to pay rent to his parents and he ultimately closed it down.


Second, Samuel A.C. Brooks in many public statements laid claim that he was at one time employed for a full year as the chief of staff for Councilman Jim Graham and thereafter as campaign manager for Fenty for Mayor for four months but this story kept on changing and changing where in his first formal, quasi candidates' forum, he finally admits that he was just a part-time intern not chief of staff for Jim Graham and for only four months and that he never was an employee for Fenty for Mayor but just a paid consultant for two weeks.


Samuel A.C. Brooks by his own words admits that he misrepresented the truth about his employment history and what type of work he actually did.


Next, Samuel A.C.. Brooks also by the public record has been grossly untruthful about his residency status, his concerns for the GLBT community when accepting political contributions from staunch and Gay Hating Republicans like retired Congressman Jack Quinn and his company Cassidy & Associates where its employees gave Brooks $10,000.00 of the alleged $33,000.00 war chest, listing contributors on his campaign finance forms that do not live where he claims, knowingly violating the Hatch Act by seeking the endorsement of a sitting ANC commissioner and using her official title on his website to endorse himself and took it away only after a complaint was filed with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, and a long list of other things that just have been grossly untruthful.


The sad truth is, Samuel A.C. Brooks does not know what the truth is as he creates his "truths" as he goes along only to contradict himself down the road time after time.


Ward 3 deserves a council member who knows how to tell the truth.


Yet, back in 2004 when Samuel A.C. Brooks ran for city council at large, the Washington Post warned everybody to just SAY NO TO SAM BROOKS when they wrote on September 11, 2004 at Page A20:


1. The District Deserves a better choice for City Council;


2. He doesn't come anywhere close in the needed experience overall in representing this city;


3. He is long on energy and ambition but short on (community) experience, and lacks substantiative knowledge of the problems confronting the city or the ideas for solving them; and


4. The District needs someone who knows how the government works, is familiar with the city other than through a door to door campaign and who doesn't need on the job training in the basics.


Nothing has changed in two years!!!!!!


Samuel A.C. Brooks is seriously out of touch with reality, cannot distinguish truth from fantasy and in 2006, it has gotten worse in that Samuel A.C. Brooks with the help of others have been attacking on the internet some of his political rivals with some of the most vicious remarks possible and have done a superb job of fooling everyone and this was achieved mainly with the help of highly computer literate friends as they surfed the internet day after day all day long posting attacks left and right on Brooks' rivals under a long list of screen name: E.G. JT Frank, BFrankdc, Truthseeker, Joycemarie2008, Factchecker, Joe Kerr, Joe Deluth and about 50 other names and accused others of being racists, homophobics and other nastiness knowing all along it was "they" posting falsehoods on the internet trying to make it look like the work of their rivals.


What makes all of this so sad is, in 2003-2004, when Samuel A.C. Brooks ran for city council at large, vicious attacks appeared on the internet attacking now Councilman Kwame Brown accusing him of not being a real resident of the District of Columbia and of having an extra marital affair. The names behind those attacks were JT Frank, Frank B, Bfrank and others. Coincidence or is Samuel A.C. Brooks the common denominator behind the vicious attacks in 2003, on Councilman Kwame Brown and now against his current rivals? We think he is and he probably never thought voters would remember such minute details like screen names and style just because he deleted all those previous attacks on Councilman Kwame Brown but many voters have not forgotten them...!


Samuel A.C. Brooks cannot accept reality and that is, he is unemployed and is not a consultant as both the DC Office of Tax & Revenue and the IRS fail to have any filings that are required of any person who claims to be self-employed. Samuel A.C. Brooks is unemployed and living off his parents and the political contributions given him.



Voters of DC and Ward 3 need to once again:






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