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Jonathan Rees For Ward 3 Dc City Councilman

Guest Jonathan Rees

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't see voting for someone who would put this on his platform:


"Introduce [Tax Free Shopping] For All Out Of State Residents To Encourage People From Outside DC To [shop DC] Which Will Benefit DC Workers Or Make Every Weekend a [sales Tax Free] Weekend."


I'm sure this would be extremely popular with the sales-tax-paying residents who would be his constituents -- I'd be very excited to stand behind a VA resident who isn't paying taxes on the same pair of shoes that I'm buying.


This guy has the political sense of melon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



Obvious you are not aware of the fact that every member of the DC City Council supports TAX FREE WEEKENDS as a means of attracting business as it also applied to DC residents.


Please know the facts before you attack!

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  MIndy said:


Obvious you are not aware of the fact that every member of the DC City Council supports TAX FREE WEEKENDS as a means of attracting business as it also applied to DC residents.


Please know the facts before you attack!

What's your bio? Are you Jonathan Rees' campaign manager?

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  Guest said:
  MIndy said:


Obvious you are not aware of the fact that every member of the DC City Council supports TAX FREE WEEKENDS as a means of attracting business as it also applied to DC residents.


Please know the facts before you attack!

What's your bio? Are you Jonathan Rees' campaign manager?

No, I am his wife.

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Mayor Antony Williams started the idea of a SALES TAX FREE WEEKEND but it applied to both DC residents as well as people from out of state.


DC Government offers tax free status up to five year for companies to locate in DC but not to DC businesses. It is all a ploy to bring in tax revenues.

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Guest Rees Lover
  DCPoll said:
  Guest said:
  MIndy said:


Obvious you are not aware of the fact that every member of the DC City Council supports TAX FREE WEEKENDS as a means of attracting business as it also applied to DC residents.


Please know the facts before you attack!

What's your bio? Are you Jonathan Rees' campaign manager?

No, I am his wife.

LOL! Jonathan Rees isn't married!

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Guest Isadora Stein



You're just jealous because you can't get Rees in bed with you.


Admit it, you want him and you could never get him so you bad mouth him.


You know how to contact him. He wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole and probably would rather turn gay than hop in the sack with a loser like you.

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Guest Isadora Stein

Hey Phyllis,


You're just jealous because you can't get Rees in bed with you.


Admit it, you want him and you could never get him so you bad mouth him.


You know how to contact him. He wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole and probably would rather turn gay than hop in the sack with a loser like you.

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Guest Daniel Drass
  Isadora Stein said:
Hey Phyllis,


You're just jealous because you can't get Rees in bed with you.


Admit it, you want him and you could never get him so you bad mouth him.


You know how to contact him. He wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole and probably would rather turn gay than hop in the sack with a loser like you.

With all the trash Phyliss is tossing out at Rees it does very much sound like she wants him so why doesn't she just contact him directly and say hey Rees, I want you baby to come over make make love to probably her overweight, hook nose and bad hair self.


Phyliss, get a life!

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Guest Jacob Gray
  Judy said:
Where is Rees? He's been completely inactive for the past couple of weeks. I've heard that his campaign is over.

Hey Judy....I hear the campaign for Rees isn't over but is continuing inside your mouth where everybody is welcome to ejaculate.

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Guest Bob Kramer

What I see is, this Rees guy having let us know that he is running for Kathy Patterson's soon to be vacated seat and next thing you know, all of the nut jobs come crawling out of the woodwork.


If this is meant to attact this guy Rees then all of you have convinced me to vote for him as he hasn't done a damn thing to offend anyone!

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  Another Mindy said:
I haven't noticed anything new on Rees' website recently. Has Rees run out of ideas?

I think Rees' website is in final format but I hear that he is getting invited to a lot of high society events, attending them while his crew is out on the streets at night pumping out his really nifty campaign post cards and tacking up those mini size flyers on telephone poles where permitted.


I like his platform, I like his attitude but I wonder if he is elected can he put up with the bullcrap of the others on the council who seem out to enrich themselves.

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Guest Phyllis
  Mindy Silverman Rees said:
Excuse me but the public records does show that Jonathan Rees is very much married.

Prove that Rees is married. Your assertion isn't good enough. I think there are no public records, no documents -- nothing proving that Rees is married.


And what's with Rees' silence on neighborhood email lists. Is he out of the race?

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  Phyllis said:
  Mindy Silverman Rees said:
Excuse me but the public records does show that Jonathan Rees is very much married.

Prove that Rees is married. Your assertion isn't good enough. I think there are no public records, no documents -- nothing proving that Rees is married.


And what's with Rees' silence on neighborhood email lists. Is he out of the race?

According to the records at the DC Bureau of Vital Statistics, Rees has two children; a son named Jason born in 1981 and a daughter born in 1991, both at Sibley Hospital and his wife's former name is Mindy L. Silverman. Thus I believe that the claim Rees is married is true and all else said about his is bull and a delibearte confusing him with someone else of the same name. Anybody can check the same out.

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Doesn't anyone think that mudslinging will get nowhere? I just hate it when people get so heated up in politics that they forget about the important issues. I guess that is what I get waiting for my date who is over 40 minutes late. Just type the time away... what is your excuse :unsure:

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  Natalia1974 said:
Doesn't anyone think that mudslinging will get nowhere? I just hate it when people get so heated up in politics that they forget about the important issues. I guess that is what I get waiting for my date who is over 40 minutes late. Just type the time away... what is your excuse :unsure:



If you read carefully, there is only one person using many different names slinging the mud. About 99.9% of the people here are good people who want to hear positions on the issues and not the madness that JT and the many other aliases he uses to sling mud, stir up trouble or turn people off.


You will see, if you read on, that JT is a very unhappy person who spends morning, noon and night on the web thinking up of new screen names and falsehoods to place here and elsewhere because of nothing better to do.


Feel sorry for JT as anybody who can spend 12-14 hours a day on the web firing off the trash he does clearly does not have a real job as a person who has a real job and is somebody of value does not have all this free time on hand to go around torementing good people like you with his crap.

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  Adam said:

I think Rees' website is in final format but I hear that he is getting invited to a lot of high society events, attending them while his crew is out on the streets at night pumping out his really nifty campaign post cards and tacking up those mini size flyers on telephone poles where permitted.


Has Mr. Rees filed as a candidate for City Council? (I doubt that he's gathered the required number of signatures to file campaign papers.) If not, then none of his campaign signs are "permitted" -- they're all illegal. See District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) Title 24. A summary of the law regarding campaign posters is at http://www.dcboee.org/information/info_can...5Ccam_post.shtm


Let's see if we summarize Rees' so-called campaign: Illegal posters, lying about his non-activity on neighborhood listservs, the inability to remember his own campaign website while on the radio, a vague employment history. Very odd, very odd indeed.

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  jtfrank said:
  Adam said:

I think Rees' website is in final format but I hear that he is getting invited to a lot of high society events, attending them while his crew is out on the streets at night pumping out his really nifty campaign post cards and tacking up those mini size flyers on telephone poles where permitted.


Has Mr. Rees filed as a candidate for City Council? (I doubt that he's gathered the required number of signatures to file campaign papers.) If not, then none of his campaign signs are "permitted" -- they're all illegal. See District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) Title 24. A summary of the law regarding campaign posters is at http://www.dcboee.org/information/info_can...5Ccam_post.shtm


Let's see if we summarize Rees' so-called campaign: Illegal posters, lying about his non-activity on neighborhood listservs, the inability to remember his own campaign website while on the radio, a vague employment history. Very odd, very odd indeed.

JT Frank has finally show us how ignorant he is.


The reality is, each candidate must first file with the Board of Elections, then with the Office of Campaign Finance and then with the District Department of Transportation before they are allowed to post any pre-petition ad in a public space.


All known candidates including Rees is listed has having done the foregoing.


It is not until May 2006 that all candidates are handed their official petition ballots for the required signatures to get on the ballot.


It is obvious that JT Frank likes to talk out of his ass and does not know what he is talking about.


I am not a candidate but I am an attorney and I know the election laws inside and out.


What JT is saying is that every candidate for mayor and council is currently breaking a law which is not true but JT is an ignorant bastard who is only here to harass.


JT you would serve a better purpose if you would do a better job of investigating facts as you are doing a great job of showing everyone how much of a flaming ###### you are.


Ha ha he he you dumb bastard.

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Rees' campaign is beginning to feel more like a dangerous cult. Disagree with Rees and his supporters and you're threatened with violence --you said on DCPages that you would "shatter" my jaw-- and called names like "dumb bastard," "loud mouth,"and "nut jobs."


Fortunately I suspect that most people reading these forums will come to the same conclusion that I have: Jonathan Rees is not a real candidate for City Council or any other office. The words fly fast from his and his supporters' fingers, but they're just that -- words. There's nothing of substance behind this facade.


It's amusing -- except for the threat of violence. That part, I have to admit, is scary, because I don't really know who is behind that threat.

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  jtfrank said:
Rees' campaign is beginning to feel more like a dangerous cult. Disagree with Rees and his supporters and you're threatened with violence --you said on DCPages that you would "shatter" my jaw-- and called names like "dumb bastard," "loud mouth,"and "nut jobs."


Fortunately I suspect that most people reading these forums will come to the same conclusion that I have: Jonathan Rees is not a real candidate for City Council or any other office. The words fly fast from his and his supporters' fingers, but they're just that -- words. There's nothing of substance behind this facade.


It's amusing -- except for the threat of violence. That part, I have to admit, is scary, because I don't really know who is behind that threat.

The thing that is really scary JT Frank is that you have been stalking Rees so I hear from one chatroom to another, one blog to another and from one list server tio another. Does that sound normal to anyone that you are making it a full time job of stalking Rees all over DC?


I am sure Rees can handle his own but the articles about him in the Washington Times and other papers, his meetings with other council members and his presence at high profile events isn't a sign of a campaign to dismiss.


Yet, I think all of us here would like to know how you became Judge John Bayly's gay lover!


Does Mrs. Bayly know that you were havin an extra-marital affair with her husband, that Judge Bayly for a while was paying your rent and actually bought that computer you now use to harass not just Rees but others.


I am not employed by Rees but I am just one voter tired of reading your crap here on DC Pages and I wonder why you feel so compelled to harass him and subject all of us to it.

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