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Washington DC Message Boards

Poetic Beats


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Poetic Beats is designed to mainly let our voices as poets/artists/musicians to be heard through our words and messages. It gives us the opportunity to share them with the masses of the people.


Poetic Beats will organize, host or sponsor events in the Metropolitan region. Members of the group will have a chance to feature and perticipate in the open mic event(s) such as Dar Es Salaam Bookstore (held every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month with a few expectations.)


If you are a poet and you reside in Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia and you are looking for an opportunity to join a group/share your poetry, please contact me at aashawarrior@yahoo.com.


Thank you and I look forward to connecting with you soon.



Afrika M.A.Abney (Ashawarrior)


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