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Moveon.org Social Security Ad

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MoveOn.org launched a false TV ad in the districts of several House members, claiming through images and words that President Bush plans to cut Social Security benefits nearly in half. Showing white-haired workers lifting boxes, mopping floors, shoveling and laundering, the ad says "it won't be long before America introduces the working retirement."


Actually, Bush has said repeatedly he won't propose any cuts for those already retired, or near retirement. What MoveOn.org calls "Bush's planned Social Security benefit cuts" is actually a plan that would hold starting Social Security benefits steady in purchasing power, rather than allowing them to nearly double over the next 75 years as they are projected to do under the current benefit formula. The White House has discussed such a proposal, and may or may not adopt it when the President puts forth a detailed plan expected in late February.

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Guest Friends of John Kerry

In less than 36 hours, President Bush will use his State of the Union speech to stampede the country into a false sense of crisis on Social Security.

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Guest Ken Mehlman

President Bush is committed to keeping the promise of Social Security for today's seniors while strengthening Social Security for our children. In his State of the Union speech speech the President discussed his plan to save Social Security for younger workers by allowing them the choice to set aside portions of their salary in personal accounts so they can start creating their own nest egg for retirement. The Social Security benefits for those at or near retirement will not change.


Unless we act now, Social Security will be bankrupt by the time our children retire.


To help educate the public about the President's plan, the RNC this week launched a new Web site: www.preservingsocialsecurity.com. This Web site will provide up-to-date news, facts and ways for people to get involved in the debate.


Get involved now! Go to www.preservingsocialsecurity.com and sign an online petition asking your Senators to work with President Bush to preserve Social Security.


With your help we will preserve Social Security and make sure it is around for our children and grandchildren.

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