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Forum Presents Everyman At The Warehouse Theater

Guest Harriotte Heinzen

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Guest Harriotte Heinzen

Forum, DC's multi-genre performance company presents EVERYMAN, a man’s last fevered moment of living.


When life passes before your eyes, what does it reveal? EVERYMAN is the story of one man’s journey into the inevitability of death. Forum premiers the retelling of the medieval classic this January at the Warehouse Theater in downtown Washington DC.


Considered one of theatre’s most influential texts, Forum has re-worked EVERYMAN into a morality tale about the revelation of life’s journey into death. EVERYMAN brings the audience into the mind of the protagonist as he spirals into life’s end through striking visuals, a live, original score, and physical humor.


January 7th - 30th, 2005

Thursdays-Saturdays at 8pm / Sundays at 2pm


The Warehouse Theater

1021 7th Street, NW Washington DC

Mount Vernon Square / Convention Center (Yellow/Green Lines)


Tickets: $15; senior / student: $12

Reserve tickets by emailing us at: tickets@forumtheatredance.com

or by calling 202-518-9516


Directed by Andrew Merkel

Featuring Frank Britton, Coby Fisher, Theo Hadjimichael, Dee Ann Lehr, Karen Novack, Jenny Tibbels, and Allison Weisgall


Set Design: Phil Male

Costume Design: Liz Garrott

Light Design: Mark Wright

Music Director/Composition: Kenneth Gilbert

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