eninn Posted July 27, 2014 Report Share Posted July 27, 2014 Happy daysEid Mubarak..... Eid-Al-Fitr is one of the major holidays of Islam. It comes at the end of the holy month of Ramadan and celebrates the end of the fasting. The holiday comes on the first day of the 10th month in the Islamic lunar calendar.Because the month of Ramadan is all about fasting, Eid-Al-Fitr is all about NOT fasting. During Ramadan, Muslims have not eaten while the Sun is in the sky. On Eid-Al-Fitr, they celebrate the end of Ramadan with a sweet snack and then get ready for a day of celebration.On this day, Muslims are encouraged to dress in their best clothes and attend a special Eid prayer at their neighborhood mosque. Before the prayer begins, Muslims make an alms payment (the Zakat al Fitr) Corner of the five pillars of IslamSuch as prayer and fastingTake money from the rich and the poor are givenThereby achieving social solidarity in Islamfor the month of Ramadan, in the form of food or its cash equivalent. This food and / or money is then distributed to the poor. After the special religious service, the focus turns to gift-giving. Children are given many gifts. Women get gifts from their loved ones. Also on this day, people are encouraged to settle feuds or disputes, especially those between family members.Eid Al-Fitr means "Feast of Fast-Breaking." It is often celebrated during three days, with the first day marking the end of Ramadan. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted July 29, 2014 Author Report Share Posted July 29, 2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmQhIdwMSmo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOCkWi0Kv6U During Eid celebration for MuslimsDiffers from non-Muslim celebrationNot adultery - not drinking alcohol - not for committing sinsButFirst thanks to God through the Eid prayerThenWear the best clothesVisit neighbors and friends and uphold the ties of kinshipExchanging giftsAnd enjoy the beautiful in public placesAnd enjoy the happy daysEnjoy life Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted July 15, 2015 Author Report Share Posted July 15, 2015 Each year, Islamic and Arab nation wellAnd Muslims all over the world to the health and happinessEid-Al-Fitr is one of the major holidays of Islam. It comes at the end of the holy month of Ramadan and celebrates the end of the fasting. The holiday comes on the first day of the 10th month in the Islamic lunar calendar.Because the month of Ramadan is all about fasting, Eid-Al-Fitr is all about NOT fasting. During Ramadan, Muslims have not eaten while the Sun is in the sky. On Eid-Al-Fitr, they celebrate the end of Ramadan with a sweet snack and then get ready for a day of celebration.On this day, Muslims are encouraged to dress in their best clothes and attend a special Eid prayer at their neighborhood mosque. Before the prayer begins, Muslims make an alms payment (the Zakat al Fitr) Corner of the five pillars of IslamSuch as prayer and fastingTake money from the rich and the poor are givenThereby achieving social solidarity in Islamfor the month of Ramadan, in the form of food or its cash equivalent. This food and / or money is then distributed to the poor. After the special religious service, the focus turns to gift-giving. Children are given many gifts. Women get gifts from their loved ones. Also on this day, people are encouraged to settle feuds or disputes, especially those between family members.Eid Al-Fitr means "Feast of Fast-Breaking." It is often celebrated during three days, with the first day marking the end of Ramadan. NATIVE DEEN -- Small Deeds eid al fitr--DR Zakir Naik Eid is celebration. Fitr comes from the word fitrah, meaning natural.Yes, Ramadhan will end shortly, at 6.15 am and we muslims will celebrate EidulFitri. But using the word 'celebration' gives a wrong idea to non-muslims. It's not partying. We are celebrating with praises of God. And we can eat as usual once more, coming back to the natural way of things. Hence, the name Fitrah.Enjoy your holidays people The occasion is Eid ul-Fitr which means 'festivity of breaking the fast'... It is the celebration after the fast of the month of Ramadan... Ramadan is the month of the Quranic revelation, Muslims use this month to reconnect to the Quran and build a stronger relationship with Allah. This is achieved by fasting from food and s-exual activities with one's spouse during the daylight hours, refraining from foul and shameless language and actions, increased acts of charity to the less fortunate, reciting the word of God Etc... We learn self restraint against our permitted human desires and hopefully would build stronger restraint against desires that are not permissible. Basically making a stronger effort to be the best you can be and come out a better human being at the end... It is like a training course for the muslim... At the end of the course, we get our certificate and a feast.... We repeat the training course once every year.. During Eid celebration for MuslimsDiffers from non-Muslim celebrationNot adultery - not drinking alcohol - not for committing sinsButFirst thanks to God through the Eid prayerThenWear the best clothesVisit neighbors and friends and uphold the ties of kinshipExchanging giftsAnd enjoy the beautiful in public placesAnd enjoy the happy daysEnjoy lifeallah guide you to Islam#!Jazakal-lah akhirAnd also if one goes to a congregational place then there is no other{sunnah} prayer before the two Rakaats of Eid prayer meaning one just sits down the congregational place and continues with the Takbeer without performing any form of sunnah prayer{Qabliyah}.But if one prays in a Mosque then one is recommended to greet the mosque with two greeting-of-the-mosque Rakaats. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted July 24, 2015 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2015 Six days from the month of Shawwaal: Abu Ayyoob Al ‘Ansaari may Allaah be pleased with him narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) said: “He who fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Shawwaal, this is as if he fasted for the whole year.” [Ahmad, Abu Daawood and At-Tirmithi]Three days of every month: Abu Hurayrah and Abu Tharr may Allaah be pleased with them said: “TheProphet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) advised us never to quit (praying) the two Rak'ahs of Ad-Dhuha, and the Witr (prayer) before going to bed (at night); and to fast three days of every month. It is desirable if these days are the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth days (of each lunar month).” [Muslim]المقطع الذي تم حجبه في امريكا وأوروبا خوفاً من دخول الناس في الإسلامwww.youtube.com/watch?v=0iIZqmRGVdkجديد_ يسأل_ لماذا نزل القران فقط قبل 1400 سنة أليس متأخراً؟؟#Atheistwww.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7dZ2yqocOU&index=25&list=PLL6P1fQEgBWTI5JzUYclKaPgoKmWMPVYp Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted July 5, 2016 Author Report Share Posted July 5, 2016 مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - العشرون سؤال الشائعة عن الاسلام في ذهن غير المسلم- ذاكر نايك Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted July 10, 2016 Author Report Share Posted July 10, 2016 There are many Prophetic narrations which clarify the days that are desirable for a Muslim to fast; they are as follows: Six days from the month of Shawwaal: Abu Ayyoob Al ‘Ansaari may Allaah be pleased with him narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) said: “He who fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Shawwaal, this is as if he fasted for the whole year.” [Ahmad, Abu Daawood and At-Tirmithi] Three days of every month: Abu Hurayrah and Abu Tharr may Allaah be pleased with them said: “TheProphet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) advised us never to quit (praying) the two Rak'ahs of Ad-Dhuha, and the Witr (prayer) before going to bed (at night); and to fast three days of every month. It is desirable if these days are the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth days (of each lunar month).” [Muslim] الرد على ادعاء تأليف القرآن من اجل ارباح مادية - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0tbnarkhB8 لماذا يطلب المسلمون مني اعتناق الاسلام؟ - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9WjsxARlGo#t=90.907665 عبدالله كريشان - الشيخ الدكتور ذاكر نايك ودعوة غير المسلمين للإسلام https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXqWYVAdUUo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted June 24, 2017 Author Report Share Posted June 24, 2017 شكرا رمضان.. جملة رددها بريطانيون بعد حريق لندن - YouTube ▶ 1:56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCqIlys_aA4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2b2IWqrXT8 eid al fitr--DR Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w_ztz2yGe0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted June 13, 2018 Author Report Share Posted June 13, 2018 Happy days Eid Mubarak.....^_^ \\ here my friends non muslims said Thank you for the interesting and engaging information, tiger . Happy Eid day. I hope you guys spend your eid day with your family and friends. I have also enjoyed my eid day with my family and friends. EID MUBARAK.. Happy days I hope you enjoy yourself. tiger dan semua Muslims. \ I wish you and your family joy of the celebration. \ Notwithstanding Eid Mubarak greeting is the norm in this region, Eid Mubarak to all Muslim brethren. \ After a long month of fasting, time for big meal. Saw many Malays selling Kueh to park yesterday mostly from Malaysia. \ Take the wife out for a romantic dinner. Nice \ May I take this opportunity to wish all our Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya .... Happy days محاضرة السيد: عبدالرحيم جرين بمعرض رسولنا محمد بإزدان م ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy8cpdkS1ZQ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted June 3, 2019 Author Report Share Posted June 3, 2019 الداعيه شمسي يشرح لشاب مسيحي محمد في الانجيل مترحم |||| Street Dawah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33qJKmyY5co صبي يعتنق الاسلام مع الداعية شمسي مترجم Street Dawah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFBBFDF3TWI&t=16s Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted May 25, 2020 Author Report Share Posted May 25, 2020 3/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأخير https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scHRm0uSI5Y قرية العراة تعتنق الإسلام وتتحقق نبوءة سيدنا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5HhdkAQwyw Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted April 12, 2024 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2024 Eid Mubarak everyone! Each year, Islamic and Arab nation well And Muslims all over the world to the health and happiness What a Ramadan this year! Always strive for kindness, compassion, justice, righteousness and Taqwa. Ramadan is over but now we have 11 months of keeping strong in these things. Ramadan is a reminder of both the beauty and supernaturally profound nature of the Holy Qur'an, and a concentrated training ground for what we seek to cultivate year round. Fasting is about so much more than simply not having food Eid-Al-Fitr is one of the major holidays of Islam. It comes at the end of the holy month of Ramadan and celebrates the end of the fasting. The holiday comes on the first day of the 10th month in the Islamic lunar calendar. Because the month of Ramadan is all about fasting, Eid-Al-Fitr is all about NOT fasting. During Ramadan, Muslims have not eaten while the Sun is in the sky. On Eid-Al-Fitr, they celebrate the end of Ramadan with a sweet snack and then get ready for a day of celebration. On this day, Muslims are encouraged to dress in their best clothes and attend a special Eid prayer at their neighborhood mosque. Before the prayer begins, Muslims make an alms payment (the Zakat al Fitr) Corner of the five pillars of Islam Such as prayer and fasting Take money from the rich and the poor are given Thereby achieving social solidarity in Islam for the month of Ramadan, in the form of food or its cash equivalent. This food and / or money is then distributed to the poor. After the special religious service, the focus turns to gift-giving. Children are given many gifts. Women get gifts from their loved ones. Also on this day, people are encouraged to settle feuds or disputes, especially those between family members. Allah is the Greatest: 6 women from Colombia convert Islam with the preacher Muhammad Matar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kax5biKGoo0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS1cm2Nlbtc Takbir Eid-ul Fitr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oArYE4PaXX8 Dave chappelle converts to Islam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEEgJ_mYMAw Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted 21 hours ago Author Report Share Posted 21 hours ago \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Christ said 3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John 17:3 Christ did not claim divinity, God (the Father) alone. Christ confined divinity to the Father alone. He did not say that he was a God or that the Holy Spirit is a God. Christ did not say that you and I are gods. The God of the Abrahamic religions is one god. Judaism, Christianity, and the Quran are messages from God. Judaism and Christianity have been distorted. And violated the teachings of the Prophet Moses and the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon them. We see that the Bible contains the words of God and the words of men. God revealed the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad to correct the previous books. The Quran, the final message to humanity. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed: By Him in Whose hand is the life of Muhammad, he who amongst the community of Jews or Christians hears about me, but does not affirm his belief in that with which I have been sent and dies in this state (of disbelief), he shall be but one of the denizens of Hell-Fire. Tired of Lying to Christians...12 Pastors Convert to Islam! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MumA8_WEjUI&t=39s Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eninn Posted 21 hours ago Author Report Share Posted 21 hours ago Id al-Fitr On the first day of the following month, after another new moon has been sighted, a special celebration is made, called ‘Id al-Fitr. A quantity of staple food is donated to the poor (Zakat al-Fitr), Zakaah is one of the pillars of Islam which Allah, may He be exalted, has enjoined upon the rich Muslims so as to achieve a kind of social security, solidarity and financing some common interests, Allah, may He be exalted, has mentioned it alongside prayer in more than one verse of the Qur’an, which confirms its importance. The fact that it is obligatory is proven according to the Qur’an, Sunnah and scholarly consensus. There is consensus among Muslim scholars that it is mandatory on every believer who is financially able. Whoever knowingly denies this obligation, while he possesses the minimum amount, would be considered a disbeliever Whoever is stingy, or tries to cheat, is considered among the wrongdoers. everyone has bathed and put on their best, preferably new, clothes, and communal prayers are held in the early morning, followed by feasting and visiting relatives and friends. There are other fast days throughout the year. Muslims are encouraged to fast six days in Shawwal, the month following Ramadan, Mondays and Thursdays, and the ninth and tenth, or tenth and eleventh of Muharram, the first month of the year. The tenth day, called Ashurah, is also a fast day for the Jews (Yom Kippur), and Allah commanded the Muslims to fast two days to distinguish themselves from the People of the Book. While fasting per se is encouraged, constant fasting, as well as monasticism, celibacy, and otherwise retreating from the real world, are condemned in Islam. Fasting on the two festival days, ‘Id al-Fitr and ‘Id al-Adha, the feast of the Hajj, is strictly forbidden Only Islam made sense to me... American Traveller: No Religion Has Impacted me as Positively as ISLAM Atheist And Muslim Debate The Consequences Of Following Religion! Muhammed Ali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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