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Volunteers Needed to Help Fight Heart Disease

Guest joellenb13

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Guest joellenb13

The American Heart Association invites you to participate in the 2012 Greater Washington Heart Walk here in our nation's capital. On November 10, 2012 over 12,000 residents from the Metropolitan Washington, DC area will come together at Nationals Park to raise awareness and funds to help fight heart disease and stroke. Heart Walk presents a wonderful opportunity for you or your group to get involved in the battle against cardiovascular disease, the No. 1 killer of all Americans. Activities including a health expo and entertainment begin at 8:00 a.m. and the walk steps off from the Center Field gate at 9:30 a.m.


There are a number of volunteer opportunities available for the day of this exciting event including course marshals, set up, sponsor assistance and more. Most volunteers will be needed somewhere between 7:00 a.m. and noon. Volunteers must be 18 or older or be accompanied by an adult. Drinks and snacks will be available throughout the morning. We also need volunteers to assist with set up the day prior to the event.


To sign up to volunteer, go to http://www.greaterwashingtonheartwalk.org and click on Volunteer Registration on the left side of the home page. From there you can view a list of available opportunities and choose your assignment based on your interests and availability. For more information contact us at Joellen.Brassfield@heart.org or call 703-248-1784.

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