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Bush’s killing efficiency equals to Bin Laden's, 1:158

Guest Adnan Darwash

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Guest Adnan Darwash

On September 11, 2001, the number of Al-Qaeda men who had attacked the WTC and the Pentagon was 19; out of which 15 were Saudis. While the total number of Americans killed on that day was estimated to be 3000 for a ratio of 1: 158. In Iraq, close to 4500 US soldiers* and another 2000 US-paid civilian contractors have died killing a total of 1000000 Iraqis; for a ratio of 1:154. Although these numbers are mere estimates, it brings to the mind two main issues:

1.An Iraqi commando unit may be justified in killing G.W. Bush and dumping his body in the Atlantic Ocean as was indicated by Prof. Naom Chmosky (See Guerinca. com, May 2011 issue) in his comment on the killing of Bin Laden on 01.05.2011 by the Navy Seals and the dumping his body in the Arabian Sea.

2.The suicide attacks are the only effective tactics that can bridge the gap with the military might of the USraeli killing machines.

Many resistance movements (Taliban, Iraqis, Lebanese and Palestinians) have realised this fact and went to blow themselves up despite the horror of such attacks and the criticism of the USraeli wise men. One of the most efficient attacks ever was carried out by no other than Hezbullah when a suicide attacker blew up the Marine Barracks in Beirut on October 25, 1983 killing 241 US marines. At the time the Americans were tacitly supporting the Israelis in their massacres of Palestinians and Lebanese.

In conclusion, violence breeds violence, and even the weakest individual can retaliate and hurt the mighty villain(s).

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times


* The killing of Americans in Iraq still on-going as two US soldiers were killed yesterday 10.05.11 in Ramadi, West of Baghdad.

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Guest Adnan Darwash
  On 5/12/2011 at 11:23 AM, Desert Rat said:

There is a major difference. OBL was a terrorist who never stopped and got killed. George Bush retired to a private life.


How would you define terror and who is a terrorist?

Why some-one carrying a pistol on a plane is considered as a terrorist while dropping 1000lbs bombs on civilian targets isn't called terror? Logically, anyone terrorises people, under any pretext, is a terrorist, even if that person happens to be an Arab, an Israeli or an American.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq occupation Times

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Guest Adnan Darwash

Iraq didn't attack America while no Iraqi citizen has ever carried out a terrorist attack against any American target; simply because Saddam and his Baath party were brought to power by the CIA as fierce anti-communist forces. Saddam had also implemented the American war on Iran (1980-1988)to release the US hostages and to contain the Iranian revolution. Why the American political Zombies don't ask the question why Saudi Arabia wasn't invaded since 15 out of the 19 peole who attacked the Jewish Financial Mafia HQ at the WTC and the Pentagon that arms Israel were Saudis?. No matter how it will take the Americans must apologise and pay compensation to the Iraqis for all the killing and destruction. Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice must be tried by an international court for their war crimes. The war on Iraq was illegal and wasn't launched in self defence.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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Guest David Saman

I am sure this cat was a member of the Republican Guard or Ba'ath Party. He fails to mention Iraq's Al-Anfal genocide campaign against the Kurds in 1986. Saddam was a brutal man that got what he deserved. The oil should be the Kurds in blood payment.

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Guest Adanan Darwash
  On 5/15/2011 at 1:55 PM, David Saman said:

I am sure this cat was a member of the Republican Guard or Ba'ath Party. He fails to mention Iraq's Al-Anfal genocide campaign against the Kurds in 1986. Saddam was a brutal man that got what he deserved. The oil should be the Kurds in blood payment.


Saddam was an American-made criminal who committed his worst crimes while a friend of the West. The genocide against the kurds was not opposed by the US nor by its allies as they continued to supply Iraq with arms and precursors of chemical weapons. Did you forget that Donald Rumsfeld paid Saddam two visits before and shortly after the chemical attack on Halabjah?

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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Rumsfeld did visit your country in 1983. But, the purpose was more about economic and security stability in the region. At this point of time the United States relations with Iraq was still quite raw from its ties the former Soviet Union.


I do hope this helps.



December 1983


In his 90 minute meeting with Rumsfeld, Saddam Hussein showed obvious pleasure with President's letter and Rumsfeld's visit and in his remarks removed whatever obstacles remained in the way of resuming diplomatic relations, but did not take the decision to do so. He said Arabs should press Syria to leave Lebanon and also that Iraq favored development of positive relations between PLO and Jordan. Rumsfeld told Saddam US and Iraq had shared interests in preventing Iranian and Syrian expansion. He said US was urging other states to curtail arms sales to Iran and believed it had closed US-Controlled exports by third countries to Iran.


Saddam noted Iraq was an independent and non-aligned country and it was incorrect and unbalanced to have relations with Soviet Union and not with US. Iraq had no ideological complexes on this score, although there had been bloody conflicts between Baath and the Iraqi communist party, Iraq had not complexes about its relationship with the USSR. Iraq had developed relations with West on the same basis. France in particular understood the Iraqi views and analysis in correct and comprehensive manner so it did not make mistakes in area. No country or people can live in true independence or prosperity if it is isolated.


Rumsfeld said, he had recognized the importance of visiting Iraq. President Reagan and Secretary Shultz had agreed. Area leaders too, in Morocco, Jordan and Egypt had encouraged his visit. King Fahd had welcomed it the previous day. Such contacts were within our countries' basic interests, within the context of respect for the sovereignty of nations. Independent and sovereign nations had the right to undertake activities with we or others did not agree. But, there seemed to be an overriding interest in stability and peace.


In thinking about our bilateral relations, Rumsfeld said, we strongly agreed with President's statement about effects of generations of Iraqis and Americans not having kinds of interaction that were natural on all levels. If this situation persisted, it would contribute to areas of ignorance and warped, unclear views that wer in no one's interest.


Regarding the war with Iran, Rumsfeld said, as agreed it was not in interest of region or the West for conflict to create greater instability or outcome to one which weakened Iraq's role or enhanced interests and ambitions of Iran. We thought conflict should be settled in a peaceful manner which did not expand Iran's interest and preserved sovereignty of Iraq. We agreed with importance of economic interaction and Iraq's ability to export its oil. One made such interaction difficult. However, was risk of escalation in the Gulf and possible closing of Gulf as a result. US is encouraging others not to sell weapons to Iran and will continue to do so. We believe we have been successful in closing off exports of US-Controlled equipment to Iran. Saddam Hussein interjected that Libya and Syria had been intermediaries on such deals. Like the recent Spanish ammunition sale. Rumsfeld said that countries which acted in such a manner were shortsighted.


Rumsfeld said that nations which export terrorism and extremism outght to be recognized as such. People should know that terrorism has a home -- In Iran, Syria and Libya. The Soviet Union has in the past and is today contributing to it. Terrorism adversely affects the sovereignty and independence of nations. We feel extremely strongly about it.


US, Rumsfeld said, sought to promote a fair peace between the Arabs and Israel, on that recognized the circumstances of the Palestinian people. Beyond that, Rumsfeld commented, he seen effect of consensus to allow the spoiler to alter the decision of the majority in a way harmful to the future of the region. Looking out five to ten years, it could result in being less healty and advanced than would otherwise be the case.


Regarding escalation of the war, Saddam said, patience sof Iraq should not be misunderstood. While concerned with security of the Gulf. Iraq could not dispense with its national interest. With Iran exporting oil and Iraq not able to do so through the Gulf or the Syrian pipeline, it was not for Iraq to look after the world's interests before its own. What was needed was to stop the war, or put the Gulf in a balanced situation for both belligerents.


Rumsfeld noted he had discussed with foreign minister Iraq's interest in pipelines through Saudi Arabia and possibly through Jordan to Aqaba; and some of the kinds of arrangements that might be necessary and desirable to increase security of such an enterprise. Saddam responded in the past Iraq had not been very interested in the Jordanian pipeline possibility, because of the threat that Israel would disrupt it. Now that US companies and USG were interested, Iraq would re-examine it. There might be a connection between US and Iraqi interests. if US could give Iraq a feeling of strength and assurance that would allow it to take the appropriate decision. In fact, both pipelines were important and Iraq wanted to develop both. Rumsfeld agreed that one did not want to be dependent on only one route. He said he also understood the need for arrangements that would make a pipeline through Jordan more logical.





A declassified 1984 Department of State briefing paper reveals that the United States government did not condone Iraq's domestic Chemical Weapons production.



We concluded that Iraq had used domestically-produced lethal CW in its war with Iran. Such use violates the 1925 Geneva Protocol, to which Iraq and Iran are Parties. The Protocol prohibits first use, but not possession of the CW nor its retaliatory use.


The Iraqi CW capability was developed in part through the unwitting and, in some cases, we believe witting assistance of a number of Western firms. We have approached the relevant States on the involvement of their national firms.


On November 21, 1983, in Baghdad, we presented a demarche telling the Iraqis that we knew of their use of CW and strongly opposed it as a matter of principle. We believe Iraqi CW use ceased after our November demarche but began again when Iran launched its February 1984 offensive.


As a result of Iraq's renewed CW use in February, we publicly condemned Baghdad for using CW on March 5, 1984. Although adequately warned, Iraq expressed consternation with our action.





Edited by wiley
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Guest Adanan Darwash
  On 5/15/2011 at 9:38 PM, BigBlue said:

I bet form President Bush does not have pornography collection like what they found in Osama Bin Wankin's hideout :lol:


They should do some DNA testing on the pages that were stuck together. How many times do you think he would play with himself everyday?




But who would believe the American post-mortem smear campaign and character assassination. We have also heard of Saddam WMD and his mass graves. It is the production of discredited CIA dirty work squads. How about trying to smear Ahmedinejad by showing him with unclothed Persian women? Arabs are more sophisticated and highly-politiciesd than the ignorant American Zombies.

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Guest Desert Rat

The only mistake we made is not getting OBL in Tora Bora. He should have been captured.


Bush wanted Saddam, because he tried to assassinate his father. That still was not enough.


The Neocons wanted to stabilize the region. That still was not enough.


Saddam wanted to switch the oil to Euro-dollars. That still was not enough.


When Saddam started massacring innocent Kurds. All those sympathetic to his Republican guard did nothing. That was enough.


When Saddam started massacring innocent Iranian soldiers. That was enough.


When Saddam invaded Kuwait. That was enough.


When Saddam bombed Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel. That was enough.


He was tried in Iraqi court and Hung by your own people. That was justice.


The Kurds should be the sole beneficiaries of the oil reserves beneath their territory - an issue high on the agenda for the Kurdish Regional Government(KRG). Set up a pipeline to Turkey, Syria, Jordan, to the various Iraq states, and then to the rest of the world. To be his another nut job who think the sky is falling crap.


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a doomsayer. Shite Iraqis like yourself would love to have him as their leader. But, stop this nut job sky is falling crap. He is setting up all Shites for a big fall. He is no different than the Wizard of Oz. We have nut jobs here that say the end is in 5 days. If you pay attention to them and feed their fire they can do some real mental damage to people.

Isolation and intimidation gives was to complete ignorance with no chance of prosperity.



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Guest Adanan Darwash
  On 5/16/2011 at 10:19 PM, Desert Rat said:

The only mistake we made is not getting OBL in Tora Bora. He should have been captured.


Bush wanted Saddam, because he tried to assassinate his father. That still was not enough.


The Neocons wanted to stabilize the region. That still was not enough.


Saddam wanted to switch the oil to Euro-dollars. That still was not enough.


When Saddam started massacring innocent Kurds. All those sympathetic to his Republican guard did nothing. That was enough.


When Saddam started massacring innocent Iranian soldiers. That was enough.


When Saddam invaded Kuwait. That was enough.



When Saddam bombed Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel. That was enough.


He was tried in Iraqi court and Hung by your own people. That was justice.


The Kurds should be the sole beneficiaries of the oil reserves beneath their territory - an issue high on the agenda for the Kurdish Regional Government(KRG). Set up a pipeline to Turkey, Syria, Jordan, to the various Iraq states, and then to the rest of the world. To be his another nut job who think the sky is falling crap.


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a doomsayer. Shite Iraqis like yourself would love to have him as their leader. But, stop this nut job sky is falling crap. He is setting up all Shites for a big fall. He is no different than the Wizard of Oz. We have nut jobs here that say the end is in 5 days. If you pay attention to them and feed their fire they can do some real mental damage to people.

Isolation and intimidation gives was to complete ignorance with no chance of prosperity.





"That is not enough", Zombie preacher. The Americans can't police or control the Internet-connected world any more without burning their fingers and emptying their pockets. Had anyone imagined that disarmed Iraq will bankrupt America and its allies? After Iraq, no-one is afraid of the uncivilised American savages or their mercenaries killing people in the name of democracy and freedom. The Americans are currently fighting Jewish wars against Arabs and Muslims and I doubt very much they will ever win. In the process, the US will go bankrupt and the image and interests of their European allies will be severely damaged. The young Arabs are rebelling against the aging and prostrated pro-USraeli Arab leaderships. It is irresponsible for the Americans to continue their current anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim policies.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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Guest Desert Rat

You just need to swallow the fact that your beloved Iran bought weapons from Israel to kill Iraqis. Were you one of the Iraqi spies that worked for Iran? Why don't you just move back to your homeland with your beloved leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Remember to drink the Kool-Aid when it is time.

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Guest Dixie

You got them on that one. Democrats are soft and weak. They look at Arabs like brothers. When they should realize they are the are wicked in their ways.

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On the contrary. He seems more of your mind Human. Full of emotional name calling with no facts to back it up. At least Adanan may have an excuse due to limited research access. What's yours?




Iraqi Scientist Reports on German, Other Help for Iraq Chemical Weapons Program Al Zaman (London)

December 1, 2003


In the mid-1970s when the Ibn-al-Haytham Research and Studies Center was established, Iraq began to conduct research work to test and produce old and new poison gases. Local cadres and capabilities were devoted to this effort. International support, especially by the two parts of Germany, was crucial in activating the Iraqi chemical program. The first use by the Iraqi army of poisonous compounds appeared on the battlefield during the battles against Iran, especially during the hotly contested clashes in Hawr al-Huwazah in 1983.


In early 1979, Iraq built the first factory to produce insecticides with the help of Italian engineers. The factory was built in the region of Akashat at a cost of $50 million. A security system was also built to protect the factory that cost another $60 million. The building of this factory experienced many problems, such as espionage attempts by the Mosad, the Israeli intelligence service. The western companies that dealt with the defunct regime -- for instance Australian and Dutch firms -- exported a lot of materials related to this field of production. For instance, the Dutch firm KBS sold Iraq large quantities of Thiodilyco (name as transliterated), a material that is essential in the production of mustard gas, at a cost of 1.5 million Marks. Multinational Italian firms also supplied Iraq with 60 tons of Oxycklorure (name as transliterated), a phosphoric material that is also used in chemical industries that can be put to dual-use. As for the French companies, they exported to Iraq large quantities of a gas (not further identified) that can be used in warfare. This gas was exported across the borders from Italy and Turkey. This transaction was concluded through the mediation of the German Company Karl Kolb. A confidential report issued on 21 August 1990 by Helmut Hossman (name as transliterated), the Economy Minister of then West Germany, confirmed that the German companies had the lion's share in these transactions. The report said that since 1983, West German companies have exported to Iraq huge quantities of raw materials, equipment, and small industrial factories to produce poison gases. The report also said that these companies participated directly in building the Sa'd Project, the Iraqi chemical project, and the construction of the military complex in Al-Taji.

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Read the posts Law. Spitting image of your groups’ "Democrats" talking points.


Also I wish to thank you on agreeing with the Bush Doctrine.

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