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Play broomball in DC!

Guest DC Broomball

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Guest DC Broomball

Registration is open for the spring 2011 season of DC Broomball!


What is broomball? It's like a combination of ice hockey, lacrosse and soccer. It's played on the ice, but without skates. Players RUN ON THE ICE in special broomball shoes (some available to borrow from the league) and try to get a ball into the opponent's net. The game is especially great for hockey fans that love the speed and competitiveness of the game, but can't skate.


Broomball is a great workout and amazing fun.


Luckily, DC Broomball is looking to expand for the spring 2011 season and is adding two teams. This means the league has room for new players and is looking for athletic and competitive individuals who want to have fun and play an incredible game.


Games are played at Tucker Road Ice Rink in Fort Washington, MD, on Wednesday nights. Games begin at 8PM. Registration is only $90 and covers ice time and equipment rental. Ball drops on the spring season on March 2, 2011.


League sticks and shoes are available to those who would like to borrow them. Players need only to supply helmets, knee pads and elbow pads.


This is some of the most fun you'll ever have playing a sport. Take the challenge and give broomball a try!


Here is the link to register:


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Guest DC Broomball

That would be great fun. I am going to tell my buddy Jim Fox about it. He used to be strength coach for the caps. I know he would love it.


Thanks for spreading the word, Luke!


If you want some more information about the league, feel free to check out our Web site at www.dcbroomball.org.


We also have a Facebook Group (DC Broomball) where we post league events, share invites to parties, discuss league news and otherwise keep our players up to date on broomball happenings.


We're a real close knot group of fun loving athletes. I think you'll both have a great time if you join us. We play hard, and then enjoy $8 pitchers of beer and good conversation at a bar near the rink...it makes for a great Wednesday night!

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  • 5 months later...
Guest DC Broomball

The fall seasons of DC Broomball are now open and taking player registrations.


For the first time in DC Broomball history, we're rolling out two separate leagues to accommodate our high demand. The new league, DC Broomball North, will be played at Rockville Ice Arena. The original league, now called DC Broomball South, will still take place at Tucker Road Ice Rink.


If you'd like more information, visit www.DCBroomball.org!

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