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The real meaning of Gayatri Mantra


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The real meaning of Gayatri Mantra


'Gayatri' means the song of God that protects all the human beings irrespective of caste and sex [Gayaan traayate iti]. Thus, any song of God that attracts your mind provoking you to sing again and again so that the knowledge conveyed by it is constantly revised. Today, people are chanting some hymn of Veda present in a meter called 'Gayatri' without any trace of singing and which does not attract your mind to repeat and revise the knowledge again and again, is considered as 'Gayatri Mantra'! In view of the actual concept, it cannot be treated as 'Gayatri Mantra'.


The foolish priests are stamping such hymn as 'Gayatri Mantra' and further say that the females and other castes are not eligible for it. First of all, what you say as 'Gayatri Mantra' is not 'Gayatri Mantra' at all in view of its actual concept. This is the first mistake. The second mistake is to deny such false 'Gayatri Mantra' to ladies and other castes. 'Gayatri' means any song of God in any mother tongue that protects any soul [Gaya] irrespective of caste and sex.



The third mistake is to treat 'Gayatri Mantra' as a female deity, which actually means singing on God in any convenient language. The fourth mistake is to deny 'Gayatri Mantra' to females for which a female deity is super imposed and reject all the female souls as not eligible. Thus, the actual concept is totally buried and a chain of misinterpretations have buried the true concept resulting in blind tradition of ignorance.


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