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God need not be consoled since He is weeping externally


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God need not be consoled since He is weeping externally

God is enjoys His weeping resulted by the misery

God enjoys His weeping internally

You need not show sympathy to the Lord if He is brooding over some personal misery. From the external weeping, you mistake the Lord as suffering from the misery. In fact, the Lord is enjoying His weeping resulted by the misery. You are always weeping externally and internally due to misery and therefore you should be consoled. The Lord need not be consoled since He is weeping externally and is enjoying the weeping internally. You should not judge the Lord on your standards.


You should understand the Lord on His standards. Therefore Yoga means the equality in the enjoyment of mind in both happiness and misery like God. The Yoga always refers the state of God achieved by you. Whenever a great fortune is achieved, it is denoted by the word Yoga. Therefore you will attain the state of Advaita through Yoga only. When such a state is achieved in practice, it is called as Karmayoga. When such a state is understood with full clarification, it is called as Jnanayoga. When such a state is achieved by you in practice through your powerful liking to God, it is called as Bhaktiyoga.


Universal Spirituality for World Peace

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