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GOP Pledge to America


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Guest Walker, Lewis

The only difference between a progressive democrat and a progressive republican is that one wants to raise taxes to spread the wealth, while the latter wants to borrow money to do it. And though I liked Bush as a chief executive, his inability to serve 1 veto to the republican's congress from 2001-2006, shows me that he loved to spend that money.


In this one way, the progressive dems take a higher moral ground.

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Guest B. Monk

In America, the corporation is king and the abuses of corporate power are the subject of our people’s greatest grievances.


The 2008 election was supposed to settle the score with Wall Street and the corporate elite that have ransomed, ransacked and run over the average American. The change never came, and it’s even less likely in 2012.

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Now the GOP led Congress voted last week to eliminate all funding for the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) - one of the few programs in the budget dedicated to conflict prevention and non-violence - while they added another $158 billion in the same budget for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The two wars will consume $42.7 million - the entire budget for the USIP - in 142 minutes.

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Guest Melinda

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (WI-01) announced the Republican’s budget proposal. It is unbelievably bad - literally. The GOP budget not only repeals the new health care law it eliminates Medicare and Medicaid as we know it.


Fight for these life saving programs today. Call you Member of Congress and tell them to vote NO on the Republican’s extremist budget.


The Republican’s proposal gives millionaires huge tax breaks while seniors and hard-working families pay more for health care and get less coverage. Ryan’s plan would radically undermine the economic security of America’s middle class. It helps Wall Street-run health insurance companies make record-breaking profits and pay their CEOs outrageous sums to deny people the care they paid for and need.


Nowhere in the Republican plan is there any shared sacrifice. There’s no fairness. The big corporations and super-rich aren’t asked to pitch in. Instead they get even richer. This budget changes the rules and reshapes this country in a breathtakingly dangerous way.


This budget would eviscerated programs that everyone in this country depend on. Republicans are attacking every single one of us.


The GOP’s budget breaks America's most basic promise: That if you work hard and play by the rules, you can take care of your family and retire with peace of mind. Call Congress today.



In Solidarity,

Melinda Gibson

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  • 2 months later...

When are we going to start talking about fair trading and currency practices from our trading partners. We waste taxpayer dollars sending government officials on corporate jets traveling around the world all the time negotiating on the People's behalf with no results. We live in the information age, so lets use it.


We should start balancing currency with tariffs. If a foreign country is subsidizing an economic sector we should either give deficit neutral loans to USA manufacturers and/or raise tariffs on our trading partner. If foreign labor rates are too low, then we should either give deficit neutral loans to USA manufacturers and/or raise tariffs on our trading partner.


Instead of promoting Spend Globally, we should start promoting Made USA. My State is Wild and Wonderful. Instead of going abroad why not visit our United States. We are lucky to be caretakers of this land of the American Dream. Let's put aside the bad, and focus on the good we can do. Let's focus on jobs that we can bring back or create.


To make this happen we need to use the resources we have and stop giving them away to our foreign competition. Finally, the Treasury needs to require that the money they give to the Federal Reserve which gets loaned to the banks has to be used primarily to give reasonable loans to Small Business and manufacturers. This money should not be loaned back to the Treasury at interest.

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