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God is greater than ethics and the reverse is not true


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God is greater than ethics and the reverse is not true

Every word of God is ethical and it does not mean that God speaks only ethical principles

The ethical principle has no individual value and its total value is due to God only

Gopikas were the sages born as ladies. The sages propagated the ethics as word of God for the sake of balance of the society. During such propagation, some sages were overcome by the sacredness of ethics and thought that God became sacred by ethics, since He was always supporting ethics. Such sages born as Gopikas failed to reach the Lord in the night when His flute was heard. The sages, who always thought that the sacredness of ethics is always due to God only, could run to God violating the ethical tradition.


The reality is that the value of any ethical principle is due to the fact that it is valuable since it is the word of God. It means that every word of God is ethical and it does not mean that God speaks only ethical principles. The ethical principle has no individual value and its total value is due to God only. God said that you should speak truth always (Satyam vada - Veda) and everyone should follow this because it is the word of God. Otherwise, speaking truth has no individual value.


Krishna asked Dharma Raja to tell a lie in the war. This applies to that individual and to that context only. Otherwise, the word of God as the Veda is applicable to everybody in every context. God is greater than ethics and the reverse is not true. Dharma Raja did not follow the instruction of Lord to tell the lie because the word of God is greater than the God Himself in his view. He felt that the ethics has individual value by itself and the value of God is due to His sincere following of ethics. God told that you should always follow ethics (Dharmam chara – Veda). But, He gave salvation to Gopikas, who violated ethics by running after Him.


Universal Spirituality for World Peace

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