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Sin can be canceled only by reformation of the soul


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Sin can be canceled only by reformation of the soul

Knowledge with top most intensity only can change the soul

The true knowledge which can be given by the human incarnation of God only


The sin can never be cancelled by any remedy except the realization and reformation of the soul. Realization comes through knowledge and the determination and subsequent practical implementation of knowledge brings reformation of the soul. Adhibhuta is the subject related to matter of human body. Adhidaiva is the subject related to energy of human body. Adhyaatma is the subject related to behavior and qualities of the soul, which is pure awareness. Knowledge is always inherently related to soul. With the help of knowledge you can change the states of matter and energy easily, but with lot of difficulty only you can change the state of soul since knowledge is inherently related to soul.


Knowledge with top most intensity only can change the soul. The intensity of knowledge increases as the knowledge is coming closer to the truth. The true knowledge means the knowledge that is totally identified with the truth, which can be given by the human incarnation of God only and hence Veda said that the true knowledge is the real inherent characteristic of God (Satyam Jnanam..).


Universal Spirituality for World Peace

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