Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE TO H.R. 4872, AS REPORTED Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the following: 1 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. 2 (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the 3 ‘‘Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation 4 Act of 2010’’. 5 ( b ) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of contents of 6 this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. TITLE I—COVERAGE, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, AND REVENUES Subtitle A—Coverage Sec. 1001. Affordability. Sec. 1002. Individual responsibility. Sec. 1003. Employer responsibility. Sec. 1004. Income definitions. Sec. 1005. Implementation funding. Subtitle B—Medicare Sec. 1101. Closing the medicare prescription drug ‘‘donut hole’’. Sec. 1102. Medicare Advantage payments. Sec. 1103. Savings from limits on MA plan administrative costs. Sec. 1104. Disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments. Sec. 1105. Market basket updates. Sec. 1106. Physician ownership-referral. Sec. 1107. Payment for imaging services. Subtitle C—Medicaid Sec. 1201. Federal funding for States. Sec. 1202. Payments to primary care physicians. Sec. 1203. Disproportionate share hospital payments. Sec. 1204. Funding for the territories. Sec. 1205. Delay in Community First Choice option. Sec. 1206. Drug rebates for new formulations of existing drugs. Subtitle D—Reducing Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Sec. 1301. Community mental health centers. Sec. 1302. Medicare prepayment medical review limitations . Sec. 1303. CMS–IRS data match to identify fraudulent providers. Sec. 1304. Funding to fight fraud, waste, and abuse. Sec. 1305. 90-day period of enhanced oversight for initial claims of DME suppliers. Subtitle E—Provisions Relating to Revenue Sec. 1401. High-cost plan excise tax. Sec. 1402. Medicare tax. Sec. 1403. Delay of limitation on health flexible spending arrangements under cafeteria plans. Sec. 1404. Brand name pharmaceuticals. Sec. 1405. Excise tax on medical device manufacturers. Sec. 1406. Health insurance providers. Sec. 1407. Delay of elimination of deduction for expenses allocable to medicare part D subsidy. Sec. 1408. Elimination of unintended application of cellulosic biofuel producer credit. Sec. 1409. Codification of economic substance doctrine and penalties. Sec. 1410. Time for payment of corporate estimated taxes. Sec. 1411. No impact on Social Security trust funds. Subtitle F—Other Provisions Sec. 1501. Community college and career training grant program. TITLE II—EDUCATION AND HEALTH Subtitle A—Education Sec. 2001. Short title; references. PART I—INVESTING IN STUDENTS AND FAMILIES Sec. 2101. Federal Pell Grants. Sec. 2102. Student financial assistance. Sec. 2103. College access challenge grant program. Sec. 2104. Investment in historically black colleges and universities and minority- serving institutions. PART II—STUDENT LOAN REFORM Sec. 2201. Termination of Federal Family Education Loan appropriations. Sec. 2202. Termination of Federal loan insurance program. Sec. 2203. Termination of applicable interest rates. Sec. 2204. Termination of Federal payments to reduce student interest costs. Sec. 2205. Termination of FFEL PLUS Loans. Sec. 2206. Federal Consolidation Loans. Sec. 2207. Termination of Unsubsidized Stafford Loans for middle-income borrowers. Sec. 2208. Termination of special allowances. Sec. 2209. Origination of Direct Loans at institutions outside the United States. Sec. 2210. Conforming amendments. Sec. 2211. Terms and conditions of loans. Sec. 2212. Contracts; mandatory funds. Sec. 2213. Agreements with State-owned banks. Sec. 2214. Income-based repayment. Subtitle B—Health Sec. 2301. Insurance reforms. Sec. 2302. Drugs purchased by covered entities. Sec. 2303. Community health centers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 1 TITLE I—COVERAGE, MEDICARE, 2 MEDICAID, AND REVENUES 3 Subtitle A—Coverage 4 SEC. 1001. AFFORDABILITY. 5 (a) PREMIUM TAX CREDITS.—Section 36B of the In6 ternal Revenue Code of 1986, as added by section 1401 7 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and 8 amended by section 10105 of such Act, is amended— 9 (1) in subsection ( b )(3)(A)— 10 (A) in clause (i), by striking ''with respect 11 to any taxpayer'' and all that follows up to the 12 end period and inserting ''for any taxable year 13 shall be the percentage such that the applicable 14 percentage for any taxpayer whose household 15 income is within an income tier specified in the 16 following table shall increase, on a sliding scale 17 in a linear manner, from the initial premium 18 percentage to the final premium percentage 19 specified in such table for such income tier: ''In the case of household income (expressed as a percent of poverty line) within the following income tier: The initial premium percentage is— The final premium percentage is— Up to 133% 2.0% 2.0% 133% up to 150% 3.0% 4.0% 150% up to 200% 4.0% 6.3% 200% up to 250% 6.3% 8.05% 250% up to 300% 8.05% 9.5% 300% up to 400% 9.5% 9.5%''; and ( b ) by striking clauses (ii) and (iii), and 2 inserting the following: 3 ''(ii) INDEXING.— 4 ''(I) IN GENERAL.—Subject to 5 subclause (II), in the case of taxable 6 years beginning in any calendar year 7 after 2014, the initial and final appli8 cable percentages under clause (i) (as 9 in effect for the preceding calendar 10 year after application of this clause) 11 shall be adjusted to reflect the excess 12 of the rate of premium growth for the 13 preceding calendar year over the rate 14 of income growth for the preceding 15 calendar year. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 16 ‘‘(II) ADDITIONAL ADJUST 17 MENT. — Except as provided in sub 18 clause (III), in the case of any cal 19 endar year after 2018, the percent 20 ages described in subclause (I) shall, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 1 in addition to the adjustment under 2 subclause (I), be adjusted to reflect 3 the excess (if any) of the rate of pre 4 mium growth estimated under sub 5 clause (I) for the preceding calendar 6 year over the rate of growth in the 7 consumer price index for the pre 8 ceding calendar year. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 9 ‘‘(III) FAILSAFE.—Subclause (II) 10 shall apply for any calendar year only 11 if the aggregate amount of premium 12 tax credits under this section and 13 cost-sharing reductions under section 14 1402 of the Patient Protection and 15 Affordable Care Act for the preceding 16 calendar year exceeds an amount 17 equal to 0.504 percent of the gross 18 domestic product for the preceding 19 calendar year.’’; and 20 (2) in subsection ( c )(2)( C )— 21 ( A ) by striking ‘‘9.8 percent’’ in clauses 22 (i)(II) and (iv) and inserting ‘‘9.5 percent’’, and 23 ( B ) by striking ‘‘( b )( 3 )( A )(iii)’’ in clause 24 (iv) and inserting ‘‘( b )( 3 )( A )(ii)’’. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 1 ( b ) COST SHARING.—Section 1402( c ) of the Patient 2 Protection and Affordable Care Act is amended— 3 ( 1 ) in paragraph ( 1 )( B )( i )— 4 ( A ) in subclause (I), by striking ‘‘90’’ and 5 inserting ‘‘94’’; 6 ( B ) in subclause (II)— 7 (i) by striking ‘‘80’’ and inserting 8 ‘‘87’’; and 9 (ii) by striking ‘‘and’’; and 10 ( C ) by striking subclause (III) and insert11 ing the following: 12 ‘‘(III) 73 percent in the case of 13 an eligible insured whose household 14 income is more than 200 percent but 15 not more than 250 percent of the pov 16 erty line for a family of the size in 17 volved; and 18 ‘‘(IV) 70 percent in the case of 19 an eligible insured whose household 20 income is more than 250 percent but 21 not more than 400 percent of the pov 22 erty line for a family of the size in 23 volved.’’; and 24 ( 2 ) in paragraph ( 2 )— 25 ( A ) in subparagraph ( A )— Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 1 ( i ) by striking ‘‘90’’ and inserting 2 ‘‘94’’; and 3 (ii) by striking ‘‘and’’; 4 ( B ) in subparagraph ( B )— 5 ( i ) by striking ‘‘80’’ and inserting 6 ‘‘87’’; and 7 (ii) by striking the period and insert 8 ing ‘‘; and’’; and 9 ( C ) by inserting after subparagraph ( B ) 10 the following new subparagraph: 11 ‘‘( C ) in the case of an eligible insured 12 whose household income is more than 200 per 13 cent but not more than 250 percent of the pov 14 erty line for a family of the size involved, in 15 crease the plan’s share of the total allowed 16 costs of benefits provided under the plan to 73 17 percent of such costs.’’. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 18 SEC. 1002. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY. 19 ( a ) AMOUNTS.—Section 5000 A ( c ) of the Internal 20 Revenue Code of 1986, as added by section 1501 ( b ) of 21 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and 22 amended by section 10106 of such Act, is amended— 23 ( 1 ) in paragraph ( 2 )( B )— 24 ( A ) in the matter preceding clause ( i ), 25 by— Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 1 ( i ) inserting ''the excess of'' before 2 ''the taxpayer's household income''; and 3 ( ii ) inserting ''for the taxable year 4 over the amount of gross income specified 5 in section 6012( a )(1) with respect to the 6 taxpayer'' before ''for the taxable year''; 7 ( B ) in clause (i), by striking ''0.5'' and in 8 serting ''1.0''; 9 ( C ) in clause (ii), by striking ''1.0'' and in 10 serting ''2.0''; and 11 ( D ) in clause (iii), by striking ''2.0'' and 12 inserting ''2.5''; and 13 ( 2 ) in paragraph (3)— 14 ( A ) in subparagraph (A), by striking 15 ''$750'' and inserting ''$695''; 16 ( B ) in subparagraph ( B ), by striking 17 ''$495'' and inserting ''$325''; and 18 ( C ) in subparagraph (D)— 19 ( i ) in the matter preceding clause (i), 20 by striking ''$750'' and inserting ''$695''; 21 and 22 ( ii ) in clause (i), by striking ''$750'' 23 and inserting ''$695''. 24 ( b ) THRESHOLD.—Section 5000A of such Code, as 25 so added and amended, is amended— Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 1 ( 1 ) by striking subsection ( c )( 4 )( D ); and 2 ( 2 ) in subsection ( e )(2)— 3 ( A ) by striking ‘‘UNDER 100 PERCENT OF 4 POVERTY LINE’’ and inserting ‘‘BELOW FILING 5 THRESHOLD’’; and 6 ( B ) by striking all that follows ‘‘less than’’ 7 and inserting ‘‘the amount of gross income 8 specified in section 6012( a )( 1 ) with respect to 9 the taxpayer.’’. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 10 SEC. 1003. EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY. 11 ( a ) PAYMENT CALCULATION.—Subparagraph ( D ) of 12 subsection ( d )( 2 ) of section 4980H of the Internal Rev 13 enue Code of 1986, as added by section 1513 of the Pa 14 tient Protection and Affordable Care Act and amended by 15 section 10106 of such Act, is amended to read as follows: 16 ‘‘(D) APPLICATION OF EMPLOYER SIZE TO 17 ASSESSABLE PENALTIES.— 18 ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The number of in 19 dividuals employed by an applicable large 20 employer as full-time employees during any 21 month shall be reduced by 30 solely for 22 purposes of calculating— 23 ‘‘(I) the assessable payment 24 under subsection (a), or Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 1 ‘‘(II) the overall limitation under 2 subsection ( b )( 2 ). 3 ‘‘(ii) AGGREGATION.—In the case of 4 persons treated as 1 employer under sub 5 paragraph ( C )(i), only 1 reduction under 6 subclause (I) or (II) shall be allowed with 7 respect to such persons and such reduction 8 shall be allocated among such persons rat 9 ably on the basis of the number of full 10 time employees employed by each such per 11 son.’’. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 12 ( b ) APPLICABLE PAYMENT AMOUNT.—Section 13 4980H of such Code, as so added and amended, is amend 14 ed— 15 ( 1 ) in the flush text following subsection 16 ( c )( 1 )( B ), by striking ''400 percent of the applicable 17 payment amount'' and inserting ''an amount equal 18 to 1⁄12 of $3,000''; 19 ( 2 ) in subsection ( d )( 1 ), by striking ''$750'' 20 and inserting ''$2,000''; and 21 ( 3 ) in subsection ( d )( 5 )( A ), in the matter pre22 ceding clause (i), by striking ''subsection ( b )( 2 ) and 23 ( d )( 1 )'' and inserting ''subsection ( b ) and paragraph 24 ( 1 )''. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 1 ( c ) COUNTING PART-TIME WORKERS IN SETTING 2 THE THRESHOLD FOR EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY.— 3 Section 4980H( d )( 2 ) of such Code, as so added and 4 amended and as amended by subsection ( a ), is amended 5 by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: 6 ‘‘( E ) FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS TREATED 7 AS FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES.—Solely for pur 8 poses of determining whether an employer is an 9 applicable large employer under this paragraph, 10 an employer shall, in addition to the number of 11 full-time employees for any month otherwise de 12 termined, include for such month a number of 13 full-time employees determined by dividing the 14 aggregate number of hours of service of employ 15 ees who are not full-time employees for the 16 month by 120.’’. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 17 ( d ) ELIMINATING WAITING PERIOD ASSESSMENT.— 18 Section 4980H of such Code, as so added and amended 19 and as amended by the preceding subsections, is amended 20 by striking subsection ( b ) and redesignating subsections 21 ( c ), ( d ), and ( e ) as subsections ( b ), ( c ), and ( d ), respec 22 tively. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 23 SEC. 1004. INCOME DEFINITIONS. 24 ( a ) MODIFIED ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME.— Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 18, 2010 Report Share Posted March 18, 2010 1 ( 1 ) IN GENERAL.—The following provisions of 2 the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 are each amend3 ed by striking ''modified gross'' each place it ap4 pears and inserting ''modified adjusted gross'': 5 ( A ) Clauses (i) and (ii) of section 6 36B( d )( 2 )( A ), as added by section 1401 of the 7 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 8 ( B ) Section 6103( l )( 21 )( A )( iv ), as added 9 by section 1414 of such Act. 10 ( C ) Clauses (i) and (ii) of section 11 5000A( c )(4), as added by section 1501( b ) of 12 such Act. 13 ( 2 ) DEFINITION.— 14 ( A ) Section 36B( d )( 2 )( B ) of such Code, as 15 so added, is amended to read as follows: 16 ''( B ) MODIFIED ADJUSTED GROSS IN 17 COME.—The term 'modified adjusted gross in 18 come' means adjusted gross income increased 19 by— 20 ''(i) any amount excluded from gross 21 income under section 911, and 22 ''(ii) any amount of interest received 23 or accrued by the taxpayer during the tax 24 able year which is exempt from tax.''. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 19, 2010 Report Share Posted March 19, 2010 1 ( B ) Section 5000A( c )(4)( C ) of such Code, 2 as so added, is amended to read as follows: 3 ‘‘( C ) MODIFIED ADJUSTED GROSS IN 4 COME.—The term ‘modified adjusted gross in 5 come’ means adjusted gross income increased 6 by— 7 ‘‘(i) any amount excluded from gross 8 income under section 911, and 9 ‘‘(ii) any amount of interest received 10 or accrued by the taxpayer during the tax 11 able year which is exempt from tax.’’. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 19, 2010 Report Share Posted March 19, 2010 12 ( b ) MODIFIED ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME DEFINI 13 TION.— 14 (1) MEDICAID.—Section 1902 of the Social Se 15 curity Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a) is amended by striking 16 ''modified gross income'' each place it appears in the 17 text and headings of the following provisions and in 18 serting ''modified adjusted gross income'': 19 (A) Paragraph (14) of subsection (e), as 20 added by section 2002(a) of the Patient Protec 21 tion and Affordable Care Act. 22 ( B ) Subsection (gg)(4)(A), as added by 23 section 2001( b ) of such Act. 24 (2) CHIP.— Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 19, 2010 Report Share Posted March 19, 2010 1 (A) STATE PLAN REQUIREMENTS.—Section 2 2102( b )(1)( B )(v) of the Social Security Act (42 3 U.S.C. 1397bb( b )(1)( B )(v)), as added by sec 4 tion 2101( d )(1) of the Patient Protection and 5 Affordable Care Act, is amended by striking 6 ‘‘modified gross income’’ and inserting ‘‘modi 7 fied adjusted gross income’’. 8 ( B ) PLAN ADMINISTRATION.—Section 9 2107(e)(1)(E) of the Social Security Act (42 10 U.S.C. 1397gg(e)(1)(E)), as added by section 11 2101(d)(2) of the Patient Protection and Af 12 fordable Care Act, is amended by striking 13 ‘‘modified gross income’’ and inserting ‘‘modi 14 fied adjusted gross income’’. 15 © NO EXCESS PAYMENTS.—Section 36B(f) of the 16 Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as added by section 17 1401(a) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care 18 Act, is amended by adding at the end the following new 19 paragraph: 20 ‘‘(3) INFORMATION REQUIREMENT.—Each Ex 21 change (and any other person specified by the Sec 22 retary) shall provide the following information to the 23 Secretary and to the taxpayer with respect to any 24 health plan provided through the Exchange: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 19, 2010 Report Share Posted March 19, 2010 1 ''(A) The level of coverage described in sec 2 tion 1302(d) of the Patient Protection and Af 3 fordable Care Act and the period such coverage 4 was in effect. 5 ''( B ) The total premium for the coverage 6 without regard to the credit under this section 7 or cost-sharing reductions under section 1402 8 of such Act. 9 ''( C ) The aggregate amount of any ad 10 vance payment of such credit or reductions 11 under section 1412 of such Act. 12 ''(D) The name, address, and TIN of the 13 primary insured and the name and TIN of each 14 other individual obtaining coverage under the 15 policy. 16 ''(E) Any information provided to the Ex 17 change, including any change of circumstances, 18 necessary to determine eligibility for, and the 19 amount of, such credit. 20 ''(F) Any other similar information nec 21 essary to carry out this subsection and deter 22 mine whether a taxpayer has received excess 23 advance payments.''. 24 (d) ADULT DEPENDENTS.— Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 19, 2010 Report Share Posted March 19, 2010 1 (1) EXCLUSION OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED FOR 2 MEDICAL CARE.—The first sentence of section 3 105( b ) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relat 4 ing to amounts expended for medical care) is amend 5 ed— 6 (A) by striking ‘‘and his dependents’’ and 7 inserting ‘‘his dependents’’; and 8 ( B ) by inserting before the period the fol 9 lowing: ‘‘, and any child (as defined in section 10 152(f)(1)) of the taxpayer who as of the end of 11 the taxable year has not attained age 27’’. 12 (2) SELF-EMPLOYED HEALTH INSURANCE DE 13 DUCTION.—Section 162(l)(1) of such Code is 14 amended to read as follows: 15 ‘‘(1) ALLOWANCE OF DEDUCTION.—In the case 16 of a taxpayer who is an employee within the mean 17 ing of section 401( c )(1), there shall be allowed as a 18 deduction under this section an amount equal to the 19 amount paid during the taxable year for insurance 20 which constitutes medical care for— 21 ‘‘(A) the taxpayer, 22 ‘‘( B ) the taxpayer’s spouse, 23 ‘‘( C ) the taxpayer’s dependents, and 1 ‘‘(D) any child (as defined in section 2 152(f)(1)) of the taxpayer who as of the end of 3 the taxable year has not attained age 27.’’. 4 (3) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— 5 (A) INTERNAL REVENUE CODE.—Section 6 162(l)(2)( B ) of such Code is amended by in 7 serting ‘‘, or any dependent, or individual de 8 scribed in subparagraph (D) of paragraph (1) 9 with respect to,’’ after ‘‘spouse of’’. 10 ( B ) PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT.—Sec 11 tion 2714 of the Public Health Service Act, as 12 added by section 1001(5) of the Patient Protec 13 tion and Affordable Care Act, is amended by 14 striking subsection ( c ). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 19, 2010 Report Share Posted March 19, 2010 15 (4) SICK AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS PROVIDED 16 TO MEMBERS OF A VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEES’ BENE 17 FICIARY ASSOCIATION AND THEIR DEPENDENTS.— 18 Section 501( c )(9) of such Code is amended by add 19 ing at the end the following new sentence: ‘‘For pur 20 poses of providing for the payment of sick and acci 21 dent benefits to members of such an association and 22 their dependents, the term ‘dependent’ shall include 23 any individual who is a child (as defined in section 24 152(f)(1)) of a member who as of the end of the cal 25 endar year has not attained age 27.’’. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 19, 2010 Report Share Posted March 19, 2010 1 (5) MEDICAL AND OTHER BENEFITS FOR RE 2 TIRED EMPLOYEES.—Section 401(h) of such Code is 3 amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘For 4 purposes of this subsection, the term ‘dependent’ 5 shall include any individual who is a child (as de 6 fined in section 152(f)(1)) of a retired employee who 7 as of the end of the calendar year has not attained 8 age 27.’’. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 19, 2010 Report Share Posted March 19, 2010 9 (e) FIVE PERCENT INCOME DISREGARD FOR CER 10 TAIN INDIVIDUALS.—Section 1902(e)(14) of the Social 11 Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(e)(14)), as amended by 12 subsection ( b )(1), is further amended— 13 (1) in subparagraph ( B ), by striking ‘‘No type’’ 14 and inserting ‘‘Subject to subparagraph (I), no 15 type’’; and 16 (2) by adding at the end the following new sub 17 paragraph: 18 ‘‘(I) TREATMENT OF PORTION OF MODI 19 FIED ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME.—For purposes 20 of determining the income eligibility of an indi 21 vidual for medical assistance whose eligibility is 22 determined based on the application of modified 23 adjusted gross income under subparagraph (A), 24 the State shall— 1 ‘‘(i) determine the dollar equivalent of 2 the difference between the upper income 3 limit on eligibility for such an individual 4 (expressed as a percentage of the poverty 5 line) and such upper income limit in 6 creased by 5 percentage points; and 7 ‘‘(ii) notwithstanding the requirement 8 in subparagraph (A) with respect to use of 9 modified adjusted gross income, utilize as 10 the applicable income of such individual, in 11 determining such income eligibility, an 12 amount equal to the modified adjusted 13 gross income applicable to such individual 14 reduced by such dollar equivalent 15 amount.’’. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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