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Google NSA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement

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Imagine sitting in a rural health clinic, streaming three-dimensional medical imaging over the web, and discussing a unique condition with a specialist in New York. Or downloading a high-definition, full-length feature film in less than five minutes. Or collaborating with classmates around the world while watching live 3D video of a university lecture. Universal, ultra high-speed Internet access will make all this, and more possible. We've urged the FCC to look at new, and creative ways to get there in its National Broadband Plan – and now we're announcing an experiment of our own.


Google is planning to build, and test ultra-high speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the country. We'll deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today with 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. We'll offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000, and potentially up to 500,000 people.


As a first step, we're putting out a Request for Information (RFI) to help identify interested communities. We welcome responses from local government, as well as members of the public.


Our goal is to experiment with new ways to help make Internet access better, and faster for everyone. Here are some specific things that we have in mind:


Our goal is to experiment with new ways to help make Internet access better, and faster for everyone. Here are some specific things that we have in mind:


* Next generation apps: We want to see what developers and users can do with ultra high-speeds, whether it's creating new bandwidth-intensive "killer apps" and services, or other uses we can't yet imagine.

* New deployment techniques: We'll test new ways to build fiber networks; to help inform, and support deployments elsewhere, we'll share key lessons learned with the world.

* Openness and choice: We'll operate an "open access" network, giving users the choice of multiple service providers. And consistent with our past advocacy, we'll manage our network in an open, non-discriminatory, and transparent way.


Like our WiFi network in Mountain View, the purpose of this project is to experiment and learn. Network providers are making real progress to expand and improve high-speed Internet access, but there's still more to be done. We don't think we have all the answers – but through our trial, we hope to make a meaningful contribution to the shared goal of delivering faster and better Internet for everyone.



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This is an interesting email that got sent to me:

Google turned its new "Buzz" socialnetworking function on in my Gmail account today and I spent some timechecking it out. Conclusion: it's got the privacy controls backwards.


While it's true you can decide whether to share your post only with alimited number of people, the default mode is to make it public for theentire Internet. If you are truly interested in protecting privacy,the default mode should be to share information only with the smallgroup you have selected.


Deciding to go public should require an opt-in, affirmative decision from the user.

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I have used that search engine before, and I also know its weaknesses. But someone who worked there just once posted on the main web site.


Honestly I will never forget it as long as I live what that person said. It was so funny, and I agreed with the posting. I laughed so hard on what the person posted.


Here is my responce to whom ever is working there said. [Yeah!!! I agree. Ahem! It's an eye opener to say the least]



This is why I use Ixquick's New Proxy Service.



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Wikileaks is a snapshot of what the internet as a whole has transformed into.


If one is internet savvy enough? The internet is an info nerds dream come true.

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