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Sacrifice is the essence of the whole path to reach God.

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Sacrifice is the essence of the whole path to reach God.


Knowledge means preaching others and not to know by Himself. Love means loving others and not to be loved by others. If you love others, others will love you. So loving is the characteristic property of love. Bliss is giving happiness to others and not to be happy. Knowledge, Love and Bliss are the characteristic properties of Datta (God), which contain the sacrifice. By these three qualities only, you have to recognize the human form of Datta. Datta means sacrifice (donation).


Sacrifice (Datta) is the essence of the whole path to reach God. 1) Sacrifice of work (Karma Sanyasa) and 2) Sacrifice of fruit of work i.e., money (Karma phala Tyaga). Both these put together are called Karma yoga (service). These are the two eyes of God. Without these two there is no use of prayers, meditation etc., which are only the sacrifice of words and mind only. Lord gives you His grace and that grace is nothing but the fruit of the service in the above two ways. So whenever God shows grace on some person people should understand that such grace is the fruit of service of that person only. Lord is giving your own fruit only from His pocket and His own fruit. You can earn this fruit only by your service and which is deposited in the pocket of the Lord. Lord does not give this to anybody simply by praise or expression of feeling or weeping or begging. He is impartial and cannot be prejudiced or fooled. He is the cleverest judge. You cannot fool Him by praise (Kaka) or by expressing feelings (artificial love) or by weeping (Kindling His Kindness) to any extent. Never weep, never beg, never praise Him and never do any other type of worship. Serve Him in His work without aspiring anything in return.

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