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Awareness and matter are the same basic inert energy


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Awareness and matter are the same basic inert energy


116) Ekajadashakteh vishishtakarmasamkshepau.


(Awareness is special work of inert energy. Matter is a condensed form of inert energy. Hence, awareness and matter are the same basic inert energy).

All the three above mentioned bodies are basically one and the same inert energy. The awareness is nothing but a special work of inert energy. The matter is condensed form of inert energy. Hence, in all the three bodies the basic material is inert energy only. Hence, there is no superiority of any body over the other body.



But awareness has the property of knowing even though basically it is inert energy?


It is superiority in function only. But the working element is the inert only. Gross body is made of matter. What is matter? Matter is condensed form, of inert energy. Awareness is a special work function of inert energy. In all the three what is the real material ? it is inert energy only, so there is a commoness of inert energy in all the three bodies. Working element and worker are one and the same, basically there is no difference. It is inert Energy only. If you take scholar and illiterate basically there is not difference. Both are men.

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