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Weight Loss : Nothing Works

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Guest human_*

It's really not hard. Discipline; that's all it is. Also <cough> <cough> not getting a wider wheelchair for myself HELPED ALOT in having an INCENTIVE to lose weight.


Now if I can do it, your wife can most certainly do it.


By the way; if that's not incentive enough? Then DON'T give her to me for 6 months. For by that time is over? Not only will she be in shape "And curse me for it in a nice way FOR EVER"? But she will also be ahem on wheels. :)

<In other words; put her through the same pt that I went thru. Rain, sleet, snow, ice, unpaved roads, and lot's of hills,weight liftiing. <~~~~~~~~~~ and I still do all of that. Though I did have to push once from Dulles Airport to where I live, and It took me 19 hours to get back home "Lot's of side streets. The highway would have been faster, but that's illegal. No motor".>


I've paid for more weight loss crap for my wife then you can imagine.


She never sticks with it.

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Wow. That is pretty incredible story.


I know for a fact that I get so wrapped up in my work that I do not take any time to work out. My waistline is expanding. That is really why I like to go to my farm and work my fields.



Be supportive and do not give up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest human_*

I forgot to add one thing; DON'T USE A WEIGHT SCALE. Loosing weight is hard enough, and the last thing you need is to look at a weight scale just to see how much you are loosing.


This way you don't get discouraged by always looking at the weight scale to see how much you have lost.


INSTEAD go by the waist line size.


I don't know if you still come here to read what is typed, But I hope you still do.


I've paid for more weight loss crap for my wife then you can imagine.


She never sticks with it.

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