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Nevada Caucus

Guest Jasmin85female

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Guest Jasmin85female

People that vote in a casino will be worth 5 times more than a their standard precinct. It looks like the casinos somehow convinced the Democratic party to play the tables.

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Guest Low Rider

Great........I wonder who the oddsmakers are behind this one. Presidential Candidate Casino Voting..(PCCV)...do we need chips to participate, or is this similiar to a slot machine? Did Diebold make the machines?

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Guest human_*

Hillary is playing on the politically naive, because other than playing that game?


The democrat party owes her husband alot of political favors, and that is what she is banking on.


Hillary WILL WIN the democrats nomination for president of the United States.



People that vote in a casino will be worth 5 times more than a their standard precinct. It looks like the casinos somehow convinced the Democratic party to play the tables.
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Subsection B: Challenges to the Status of the State Party and Challenges to the Plan


Not for the Clinton Lawsuit


1. A challenge to the status of the Nevada State Central Committee as the body entitled to sponsor a delegation from that state shall be filed with the Rules and Bylaws Committee not later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the initiation of the state’s delegation selection process. [Rule 20.A. & Reg. 3.4.A.]


Not good for State Board of Education


2. A challenge to the state’s Delegate Selection Plan shall be filed with the Chair of the Nevada Democratic Party and the co-chairs of the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the DNC within fifteen ( 15 ) calendar days after the adoption of the Plan by the State Party. [Reg. 3.4.B.]


3. A challenge to a Plan must be brought in conformity with the Rules and the Regs which should be consulted for a detailed explanation of challenge procedures.


Here is the part in contention. Page 52 of 65


Appendix C: At-Large Precinct Caucus Rules and Procedures


The Nevada State Democratic Party is committed to increasing voter access to the Democratic caucuses on January 19, 2008, and has developed an aggressive plan to promote and engage its diverse population to attend the Caucuses. A significant portion of Nevada’s population consists of shift workers largely employed in Clark County on a 7 day per week 24 hour shift rotation. There is also a strong tradition in Clark County of facilitating the participation of shift workers in our unique “24/7” economy. Such accommodations have historically included “non-traditional” times and

locations for polling sites easily accessible to shift workers. In planning the Caucuses, it was important to recognize the inherent difficulty for a shift worker to get back to theirhome precinct in order to participate in their Caucus.


Working with Labor and management, the NSDP has identified and developed At-Large Precinct Caucus sites to accommodate the thousands of potential Caucus-goers working Saturday shifts during the 11:30 a.m. Caucus start time. At-Large Precincts must meet a stringent requirement of having 4,000 or more shift workers per site who could not otherwise take the time off to go to their home precincts. Currently, Clark County is the only county in Nevada which meets this threshold of optimum concentration.


Following are the rules of engagement for the NSDP At-Large Precinct Caucuses:


Attendance and Registration Requirements for At-Large Precinct Caucuses


1. At-Large Precincts Caucuses are designed specifically to service shift workers who work during or within one hour of the Nevada Democratic Party Caucuses start-time (11:30am), and who could not return to their home precinct caucus in time to participate.


2. Shift workers will be required to bring their Employer Identification card or badge to their assigned At-Large Precinct Caucus to be eligible to participate in the At-Large Precinct Caucus. The Employer ID card will serve as proof of shift worker status.


3. Shift workers will also sign a declaration stating that they could not attend their home Precinct Caucus because they worked during or within one hour of the designated caucus start time.


District Level Delegate Breakout


CD I (Clark County), CD II (All Counties) and CD III (Clark County).


CD II is further divided into three distinct regions: Clark County, Washoe County, and then remaining rural counties.


CD I – Clark County has six (6) district-level delegates (3 male and 3 female) and one (1) female alternate; by Presidential Preference.


CD II – Washoe county has three (3) district-level delegates (1 male and 2 female) and one (1) female alternate; by Presidential Preference.


CD II – Rural counties have one (1) male delegate by Presidential Preference.


CD II – Clark county has two (2) district-level delegates (1 male and 1 female); by Presidential Preference.


CD III – Clark county has four (4) district-level delegates (2 male and 2 female) and one (1) male alternate; by Presidential Preference.


Subsection D: Representation Goals


1. The State Party has determined the demographic composition of African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asian/Pacific Americans in the state’s Democratic electorate. These constituency percentages shall represent minimum goals for representation in the state’s convention delegation.


Nevada Minority Breakout Chart


% in Democratic Electorate


African American 7.2

Hispanic 18.9

Native American 1.9


Asian Pacific American 3.8




For those of you interested here are the Nevada Caucus Rules and Procedures


Section I: Summary of the Plan


Subsection A: Selection of Delegates and Alternates Nevada will use a proportional representation system based on the results of the caucus system for apportioning its delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention.


The "first determining step" of Nevada’s delegate selection process will occur on January 19th, 2008, with precinct caucuses. All dates further mentioned in this plan should be assumed as 2008 dates unless otherwise noted. [Nevada’s total delegation size is 37]


Delegate candidates must file a statement of candidacy and a pledge of support.


Section II: Presidential Candidates


A. Nevada has no requirement for filing as a presidential candidate and no presidential primary.

B. Each presidential candidate shall certify in writing, to the State Democratic Chair, the name(s) of his or her authorized representative(s) by January 15th.

C. Each presidential candidate (including uncommitted status) shall use his or her best efforts to ensure that his or her respective delegation within the state delegation achieves the affirmative action goals established by this plan and is equally divided between men and women.


Section III: Selection of Delegates and Alternates


Subsection A: Introduction


1. Nevada has a total of thirty-three ( 33 ) delegates and four ( 4 ) alternates.


2. The delegate selection process is governed by the Charter and By-Laws of the Democratic Party of the United States, the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2008 Democratic National Convention ["Call"], the Regulations of the Rules and By-Laws Committee for the 2008 Democratic National Convention ["Regs"], the rules of the Democratic Party of Nevada, the Nevada election code, and this Delegate Selection Plan.


Subsection B: District-Level Delegates and Alternates


1. Nevada is allocated sixteen (16) district-level delegates and three (3) district-level alternates (one (1) alternate is elected at-large). [Rule 8.C., Call I.B. & I.I.]


2. District-level delegate positions will be allocated to presidential preferences through a proportional representation system based on a three-tier caucus system, with the fist determining step on January 19th (non-binding presidential preference), precinct meetings in each county of CD I, CD II, and CD III.


3. The January 19th non-binding presidential preference caucus will open it’s doors for registration at 11:00 a.m. (with the exception of at-large caucuses) and be conducted in public venues and with limits on the amount of time allowed for candidate debates so that each caucus may be run efficiently and participants time respected. Caucus registration will remain open until viability is determined by 12:00 p.m.


The caucus will be called to order, by the Temporary Chair, at 11:30 a.m. At that time the Temporary Chair will announce the caucus rules and read a letter from the State Chair and Senator Harry Reid.


The first actionable order of business will be the election of the Permanent Chair. Following the election of the Permanent Chair the Secretary will be elected.


By 12:00 p.m. the Permanent Chair will determine viability based on the total number of eligible caucus attendees and the number of delegates assigned to that precinct under the NRS. The ratios and formulas used to calculate the number of delegates for precincts follow NRS 293.133


The ratios used to determine viability are as follows:


For precincts with one ( 1 ) delegate;

i. There is no viability threshold and the delegate shall be elected by a simple majority vote of those eligible caucus attendees present and voting.


For precincts with two ( 2 ) delegates;

i. Viability shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of the eligible caucus attendees present.


• For precincts with three ( 3 ) delegates;

i. Viability shall be one sixth (1/6) of the eligible caucus attendees



For precincts with four (4) or more delegates;

i. Viability shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the eligible caucus attendees present.


When determining viability the number will be rounded up (e.g. 6.1 = 7)


Once a hard count of the eligible caucus attendees present is completed the Permanent Chair will use the aforementioned formulas to determine viability and announce that number to the caucus. At this time the Permanent Chair will also explain the procedures for breaking into preference groups to the eligible caucus attendees present.


Following the Permanent Chairs explanation eligible caucus attendees, present at the time viability was determined, will break into preference groups for initial alignment. The time period for initial alignment shall be at least fifteen ( 15 ) minutes and may be extended at the discretion of the Permanent Chair.


After initial alignment has concluded the Permanent Chair will make three ( 3 ) announcements to the caucus:


1. The number of participants that was required to reach viability; and,


2. The results of the initial alignment including which preference groups are viable; and,


3. Those preference groups that did not meet the threshold for viability.


At the conclusion of the announcement of the results of initial alignment, if there are any non-viable preference groups, the eligible caucus attendees in those groups will have another fifteen (15) minutes to realign in second alignment. Only those eligible caucus attendees who aligned with non-viable groups will be allowed to realign. Eligible participants in viable groups will have their pledge

cards collected after initial alignment and only those eligible attendees with pledge cards will be counted in second alignment.


Following second alignment the Permanent Chair will allocate the delegates for that precinct to the viable preference groups using the following formula:


# of Members within a Presidential Preference Group X # of Delegates elected from that Precinct Caucus




Number of Eligible Caucus Attendees at that Precinct Caucus


This result is then rounded up at .5 and down below .5.


These caucus results will be determined at the caucus by the Permanent Chair using the caucus mathematics worksheet. A representative from each preference group will verify the caucus math. Those results will then be reported to the State Party using a telephone based reporting system.


To fill the delegate positions awarded to each preference group, eligible participants shall elect, by a show of hands, within that preference group, those delegates to county convention for any person nominated to run as a delegate. Delegates can self nominate or be nominated by another person. A potential delegate does not need to be present to be nominated and elected as a delegate

so long as that person is a registered Democrat residing within that precinct. However, in order to run for a national delegate position a person must be elected as a delegate at all three levels of the three tiered system (precinct caucus, county convention, and state convention) as well as attend each level; therefore, any person elected as a delegate without attending the precinct caucus will be ineligible to run for any national delegate position. Preference groups will be instructed by the Permanent Chair to elect as equal a number of men and women as possible. The Permanent shall read the following statement from the State Charter prior to the election of delegates: "Discrimination in the conduct of Democratic Party affairs on the basis of sex, race, age, color, national

origin, religion, sexual orientation, physical disability or economic status is prohibited. In order to encourage full participation by all Democrats in the delegate selection process and in all Party business, Diversity Programs shall be implemented with particular concern for minority groups as defined in the Democratic National Committee Charter."


Alternates to the county convention shall be elected using the same guidelines as delegates to the county convention. However, there shall be no cap on the number of alternates that may be elected. Alternate participation at the county convention is detailed in these rules.


Following the election of county convention delegates and alternates by viable preference groups further party business will be conducted. Resolutions for the county party platform shall be submitted by any eligible caucus attendees. Eligible caucus attendees may discuss these resolutions, however, there will be no vote and all resolutions shall be forwarded to the county convention platform committee.


Eligible caucus attendees will also nominate any eligible persons for that county’s central committee. These nominations will not be voted on and shall be forwarded to that county chair for consideration conducive to that county party’s by-laws.


Nevada will hold At-Large Precinct caucuses where there is a large concentration of shift workers so that these voters have every possible opportunity to participate in a precinct caucus. These At-Large Precinct caucuses will be conducted similarly to the aforementioned precinct caucuses.


4. Allocation of District-Level Delegates and Alternates

a. The district-level delegate and alternates shall be elected by a three-tier caucus system.


i. The first tier and determining step is January 19th at the precinct meetings which elect delegates to the county convention.


1. Potential delegates and alternates must file a non-binding Presidential Preference pledge of support, or uncommitted status, in writing by 11:30 a.m. on January 19th (potential delegates will do while entering the precinct meeting).


2. A non-binding Presidential Preference Poll will be conducted at the precinct caucuses based on the written pledges of support.


3. Delegates to the county conventions are elected by precinct caucus eligible participants. State law provides for the election of at least one delegate for any precinct with at leastone registered Democrat per NRS 293.133.


The apportionment of delegates for precincts shall be as of October 1st, 2007. All Nevada Democratic registered attendees become automatic delegates should the maximum number of delegates not be met. Delegates are not bound to their declared Presidential Preference at the precinct caucus per the State Party Charter.


ii. The second tier and step are the February 23rd county conventions.


iii. The final tier and step is the April 22nd state convention. Further detail is provided in section 6 of this subsection.


5. District-Level Delegates and Alternates shall be elected by county conventions held on February 23rd in each county of CD I, CD II, and CD III.


a. Exact registration times will be set by each county’s respective convention committee. However, each convention committee shall be directed to open registration for no less than three ( 3 ) hours between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Friday, February 22nd; and no less than two ( 2 ) hours prior to the conventions call to order while remaining open until 12:00 p.m.


b. County conventions will call to order no later than 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 23rd.


c. Alternates to the county conventions will be allowed to attend regardless of voting status. If there are vacancies in the allotted number of delegates, alternates will be allowed to participate as a voting delegate in the order of their sign in time.


d. All delegates and alternates must file a Presidential Preference or uncommitted status by 10:00 a.m. on February 23rd. Potential delegates and alternates must file an intent to run as a delegate to the National Convention in writing in a form prescribed by the State Party by 10:00 a.m. on February 23rd. The election of delegates to the State Convention shall be by non-secret signed ballot.


e. A non-binding Presidential Preference Poll will be conducted at the county conventions based on written pledges of support.


f. Delegates to county conventions shall be considered to have aligned with a preference group when they are registered for the convention. A delegate shall be required to designate his or her preference group at the time of his or her registration, and a delegate who refuses to designate a preference group shall be registered by the Credentials Committee as uncommitted.


The Credentials Committee of the Convention in question shall have the responsibility of determining the number of delegates within each preference group, and shall, upon completion of registration, present a report to inform the convention of the size of each preference group.


Following the report of the Credentials Committee, all delegates will be afforded a one (1) hour period to realign with other groups if they so desire. A delegate choosing not to realign shall continue to be counted as part of his or her initial alignment as aforementioned.


Any preference group who fails to obtain fifteen percent (15%) pf the total number of registered delegates at the county conventions shall be declared non-viable.


Upon completion of the one (1) hour period for initial alignment of all delegates, the Credentials Committee shall report to the convention the viable and non-viable groups’ to the convention.


Members of non-viable groups shall have reasonable amount of time, not less than one half hour, in which to realign in second alignment with or into other viable groups if they so choose. Members of viable groups will not be allowed to realign in second alignment.


Following second alignment, the Credentials Committee shall report to the convention the final preference groups and their relative strength within the convention.


g. Election of delegates and alternates to the State Convention will occur at the county conventions and shall be conducted by non-secret signed ballot. State law provides for the election of one (1) delegate per 150 registered Democratic voters in each county. [NRS] All Nevada registered Democratic attendees become automatic delegates should the maximum number of delegates not be met. Delegates are not bound to their declared Presidential Preference from the county conventions.


6. State Convention – April 18th, 19th, and 20th


a. Registration for the State Convention will begin the evening of Friday, April 18th. Registration will close at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 19th.


b. The State Convention will call to order at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 19th.


c. Alternates to the State Convention will be allowed to attend regardless of voting status. If there are vacancies in the allotted number of delegates. Alternates will be allowed to participate as a voting delegate in order of their sign in time.


d. Potential Delegates and Alternates must file intent to run as a delegate to the National Convention and pledge of support by 10:00 a.m., April 18th.

All delegates must sign a binding Presidential Pledge of Support, or uncommitted status, by 10:00 a.m., April 19th.


e. A binding Presidential Preference Poll will occur by 10:00 a.m., April 19th.


f. Delegates to the state convention shall be considered to have aligned with a preference group when they are registered for the convention. A delegate shall be required to designate his or her preference group at the time of his or her registration, and a delegate who refuses to designate a preference group shall be registered by the Credentials Committee as uncommitted.



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Hillary is playing on the politically naive, because other than playing that game?


The democrat party owes her husband alot of political favors, and that is what she is banking on.


Hillary WILL WIN the democrats nomination for president of the United States.





Whoops! Looks the Republican Party as a whole made a bigger blunder. Republicans will be lucky if they can figure out where to caucus tomorrow. First, as reported in the Reno Gazette-Journal, thousands of Republicans received postcards from the state party with incorrect caucus locations. It looks the Republicans in Nevada are no different than those in Washington. Jay Leno needs to know about this one.

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