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U.S. Man Crucifies Santa to Protest Commercialism

Guest Lin

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A U.S. man nailed Santa Claus to a 15-foot crucifix in front of his house to protest against the commercialization of Christmas.


Art Conrad, of Bremerton, Washington, said he intended to use the bizarre image to draw attention to the holiday's growing emphasis on consumerism.


However, several Bremerton residents didn't pick up on the message. "I don't really know what to think. I know it's about God but Santa has nothing to do with it," Jake Tally said.


Some stopped to take pictures, while others were upset that Conrad left a headless singing Santa to belt out seasonal classics.


"It's horrible and gruesome," said Vickie Marquina, who lives near Conrad on Olympic Avenue. "It's offensive, and Santa with no head is just horrid."


Conrad, 52, said he got the idea from a story he read about Japanese merchants who placed Santa on a cross as part of a mix-up regarding Christmas symbols.


Conrad, who even featured the crucified Santa on his Christmas cards, also said he was trying to use his display to criticize political correctness that he said is being shoved down people's throats.


"People are afraid of taking any steps outside the bounds for fear of being politically incorrect," Conrad said. "I fear we're in a state of fear."


"Santa has been perverted from who he started out to be," Conrad said. "Now he's the person being used by corporations to get us to buy more stuff."

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