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God is not at all bothered about the atheists or theists who criticize the misery


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God is not at all bothered about the atheists or theists who criticize the misery


A person (God) cooked food containing sweet and hot dishes (created world containing happiness and misery), served it on the plate (rules the world) and eats the entire food (destroyed the world). An ant (the human being) entered the plate (exists in the world) and tastes the food. The ant criticizes the hot dish and likes the sweet dish for some time but gets bored with the sweet. The ant can neither cook nor serve and nor eat the entire food. If the ant enjoys both sweet and hot dishes, the ant resembles the person at least qualitatively in this one aspect of enjoyment. Similarly, the individual soul can neither create nor rule and nor destroy this world.


If the soul is able to enjoy both happiness and misery with equal attitude, at least in this aspect the soul can resemble God in a micro scale (Matbhavayopapadyate….. Gita). Otherwise, the soul does not resemble God in any way and if the soul says that it is God; it is the climax of foolishness. The soul can attain God at least in this one aspect and such attainment is called as Yoga (Samatvam Yogauchyate..Gita). The human beings should understand that God creates this world for His own entertainment and this is not for the entertainment of any soul. If some ants criticize that the person does not exist, the criticism of such ants is not even heard by the person. Similarly, God is not at all bothered about the atheists or theists who criticize the misery.

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