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DCpages sees the Simpsons!


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18 years in the making, people! And it's finally here!


This coming Friday we're catching the 7:30pm showing of The Simpsons

at the Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14 (701 Seventh Street NW,

Washington, DC 20001).


Gallery Place is only playing a few evening showings, so if you want to join us, I highly recommend buying your ticket well in advance. Click on this link


Meet us upstairs at the bar of Clyde's (right next door) at a little before 6pm.


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Hummmmm!! This might be a great opportunity for all of us here online to meet in person.


Makes you wonder? Which one will be the more Interesting? The Movie or All of us in ONE ROOM




And Remember? NO POLITICS, because I will sound like a hardcore Republican if we start talking

About it.

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I will not be talking politics. Although, do you remember the episode "Mr. Spitz Goes to Washington?" Krusty the Klown ran for Congress as a Republican, they had a hilarious version of FoX news and their news crawls.


Krusty: "Gentlemen, I am your candidate. There's just one thing. Are you guys any good at covering up youthful, middle aged indiscretions?"

Burns: "Are these indiscretions romantic, financial or treasonous?"

Krusty: "Russian hooker, you tell me."

Burns: "We'll say you were on a fact finding mission."

Hibbert: "Congratulations Krusty, you're running for Congress."


In a TV debate between the two candidates, the reporter notes: "Welcome to Fox News, your voice for evil. Tonight we'll be interviewing the top two candidates for Springfield's 24th congressional district. For the Republicans, beloved children's entertainer, Krusty the Clown. And for the Democrats, this guy.


Armstrong: "I have a name."

Reporter: "Yes, I'm sure you do comrade. I do appreciate you're being here, you're usually so mired in sleaze, it must be an effort to come down to the studio."

Krusty: "May I say something?"

Reporter: "Certainly, Congressman."

Armstrong: "He hasn't won yet."

Reporter: "You make a very adulterous point. We will now conclude this debate with a Krusty campaign commercial."


While the debate was airing, the following ran on the news ticker: "Pointless news crawls up at 37 percent. ... Do Democrats cause cancer? Find out at Foxnews.com. ... Rupert Murdoch: Terrific Dancer. ... Dow down 5000 points. ... Study: 92 percent of Democrats are gay. ... JFK posthumously joins Republican Party. ... Oil slicks found to keep seals young, supple. ... Dan Quayle: Awesome."


And on election night, Krusty: "I won. I'm a Senator."

Lisa: "Congressman."

Krusty: "Whatever."


In Congress, proposing legislation, Krusty asks: "Where is everybody?"

A Rep.: "No one shows up unless there's a vote."

Krusty: "Why are you here."

Rep.: "I steal stuff when everyone else is gone."


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I just wanted to thank everyone for coming and the waiter that had to deal with our table.


Lots O Food


The movie was great. I highly recommend it. Its full some great liners.


If you stayed at the end of the credits to hear Maggies first word:




Maybe we will be another movie sometime before the next decade.

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