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Vocalist, Models, Comedians And Poets

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My name is Gregory E. Smith President/CEO of Third Generation Enterprises, LLC. Our company is dedicated to assist families that have been affected by various hardships in the Washington Metropolitan Area. We will produce several events to assist with financial costs associated with these types of social issues.


We are currently in the pre-production stage of producing our third annual variety talent and fashion show. This show will have comedy, poetry, fashion and vocal performances and is scheduled to take place Annabelle Ferguson Auditorium at Suitland High School in late September or early October. This venue will accommodate close to 500 people. We will also have vendors space available for the sale of refreshments and other products. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to The Black Student Fund. Please feel free to check out their website at www.blackstudentfund.org.


Funding for this event is being done independently and through donations. As you may know obtaining full funding for this type of event can be quite difficult. We would be honored if your company would either sponsor a portion and or make a contribution to our production. Product sponsorship is welcomed as well. I look forward to speaking with you to discuss any assistance you might have towards this project. Should you wish to contact me, please call me at 301-807-6925 or e-mail: Thirdgenerationenterprisesllc@yahoo.com.





Gregory E. Smith


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Funding for this event is being done independently and through donations. As you may know obtaining full funding for this type of event can be quite difficult. We would be honored if your company would either sponsor a portion and or make a contribution to our production.



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