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Spread the word of Ecopsychology

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That's an interesting perspective. I've been reading an article on Ecopsychology by Theodore Roszak et al. Guilt about the abuse of the earth, lack of defining milestones and rituals (spiritual), disconnectedness from the earth all are contributing factors to fanatical behavior (not only terrorists but extreme religious movements, gangs, etc).



I more troubled with the current situation of our environment. it is continuously deteriorating and we have to move fast. I understand very less work has been done to this direction and world wide mass education is the need of the day. Can someone suggest how best we can spread the awareness.

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I’ve been doing an Online degrees on Ecopsychology from www.ecopsych.com “Institute of Global Education” special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It makes a landmark contribution to personal, social and environmental well being. For the benefit of person and planet, we must support those who want to learn, use or teach this wide-ranging science.

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