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Global Environment Security & Monitoring body

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Many People in especially in US/Canada think that Global Warming is just an issue that is of a cause concerned or confined to their land or territories alone. This perception should change and the benefit of this change will ultimately make people of other countries realise their responbility towards their part.


But firstly the so called developed countries(US/Canada/Russia etc) instead of showing stewarship for the global cause tend to capitalise by projecting the danger and getting themselves prepared after inflicting huge damages.


Secondly the so called developing countries such as China/India/Brazil tend to show some cause citing the developed countries and try to evlove their own strategy and do lot of paper work and sanction lot of money accounting for trees that are not at all planted- Disgusting.


Thirdly underdeveloped countries their common agenda is fighting hand to mouth or civil war or attending to daily chores the like countries are Bangladesh/Madagascar/congo etc.


To eradicate all these disparities and to get everyone involved a Global body should be set up and a commitee like UN Security Council should be raised with veto power. The country that shows remarkable or outstanding contribution should be given due importance and previelages.


Will our wisdom and positve thinking mentality be directed to do a kind of this deed? Remember we should not deny previlages to our coming generations. If so we deny then we are not wise but damn fools.


We are responsible for dislodging disproportionate amount of carbon into tthe atmosphere after mining them from the earth. At no part of time in history did this much amount of mass scale exploitation of hydrocarbon took place.


People have a narrow notion that supporting planting trees and other environment friendly initiatives confined to their country(especially the narrow minded developed nations and corrupt minded developing nations) alone is enough to make the planet safe-- This is what could be described as narrow Chairs.



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Is it true that the Indian island of Lohachara is now submerged due to global warming?


Dear Mr.Black Sun, I would like to say that Lohachara is an island that is/was located right at the juncture of the where the huge rivers Ganges and Brahmaputra together confluence before entering bay of bengal. Because of this strategic location there are every chances that an island may shift postions as and when there are minor changes in course or velocity or in ths silt carried by the river system.So normally one can expect disappearance and appearance of an island/tidal flat of tidal islands in those areas.This could be attributed analogous to shifting of huge sand dunes in a desert.(in deserts shifting or disappearing of dunes are quite frequent, but in case of islands like these the "deposition" is stable for quite longer and could even grow for some time large enough to be fertile and support some inhabitations).


But at the sametime you cannot just attribute the entire cause on the river system itself there could be some other reasons as well starting from diversion of river system or damming of rivers and lastly but of the great influence of global warming also one can expect these type of changes.


Shortly I would say I cannot "say" catorgorically that global warming is "THE CAUSE" for the submergence.

But there are some indications that could be attributed to the Global warming. The change in tectonical behaviour of the crust or as I said earlier the river flow dynamics along with global warming could also has equal chances.


In the case of Lakasdweep we could precive some changes in the coastline attributed to global warming which has still to be closely monitored before anything to be concluded catogorically.

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Many People in especially in US/Canada think that Global Warming is just an issue that is of a cause concerned or confined to their land or territories alone. This perception should change and the benefit of this change will ultimately make people of other countries realise their responbility towards their part.


But firstly the so called developed countries(US/Canada/Russia etc) instead of showing stewarship for the global cause tend to capitalise by projecting the danger and getting themselves prepared after inflicting huge damages.



I believe that our political leaders here in the United States are move worried about energy independance than global warming.


The use of ethanol as a gas additive is "one of the most misguided public policy decisions to be made in recent history. Increasing the average mileage of passenger cars and SUVs by 3-5 miles per gallon would dwarf the effects of all possible biofuel production from all sources of biomass available in the U.S., said Patzek. Even a measure as simple as properly inflating passenger car tires would have more impact on the nation's energy indepence than ethanol. The nation should invest in efficient manufacturing technologies for photovoltaic cells. A mediocre photovoltaic cell is about 100 times more efficient in delivering work than corn ethanol. - Tad Patzek, UC Berkeley professor of civil and environmental engineering

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I believe that our political leaders here in the United States are move worried about energy independance than global warming.

Yes Mr.Luke Wilbur,


Certainly they believe more on energy independence and least bothered even for energy efficiency. And they try to give an alternative saying that the new alternative is most viable to energy independence for the nation.


Not only leaders in US but also leaders of other nations as well have this thought. They are very complecent because of the availability of "Tar Sands" & "Oil Shale" aloong with "Corn".This is what in Tamil we say "the doctor treated me for headache but made me to inherit stomachache".


Nobody in the present world can give a viable and instant alternative to the existing fuels immediately about in a several weeks or months time. But the influential people can take initiative for a phased "withdrawal" of the existing polluting fuels and replace it with environment friendly ones. They can augument research on this issue to evolve and get a good option. Not only solar energy, there are wind powered systems, fuel from cow dungs, or biofuels, tidal or energy from waves, nuclear fussion, and many more new discoveries could be encouraged as a top priority.


What ever the fuel we use should in no way put the living world in a harms way for any of the species living.

Energy independence is good form of security offered to the people to win their support and stay in power by the poloticians.


It is just like appeasing a child by giving candy.Most of our leaders are not able to preceive the future nor having the wisdom to adhere to the scientific findings.For which the world is going to pay a heavy price may even be by blood,lives,mass extinctions, unadjustible changes in the planet which cannot be reversed or set right by human endevour.


But if this persists for a long time there is no point in blaming one another some one has to find a solution and make things right. Surely that body or individual should have a contemplative thought with an intention to secure the whole planet and not just US or China or Brazil.


For this an effective strategy with practically applicable solution should be in hand and this should also be made available to the public or scientific community for them to make suggestions and ratifictions.


These solutions should be enacted by each unit of a state. But the huge question is who will take the intiative?and where will he get the support ?what is his ceredibility?From where will he get the required monetary or financial contribution?who or which industrial group and political group will be opposing?

One thing positive is there is considerable awareness, but also an equally negative is relectance by infulential bodies which are stalling the efforts of implementing bodies and these implementing bodies though juvenile are also in infant stage of development and are highly diversified under lot of issues concerning the environment. This cripples their ability to get a focus to counter the opposing influential bodies. The technolgical developments are also vastly not very quick to provide an alternative to the existing polluting system and practices.



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