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Recently I wrote on several blogs and/or message boards the following:


Recently, the State of Texas has begun requiring that all teenage girls be inoculated against cervical cancer with the vaccine, GARDASIL® [Quadrivalent Human Papilloma virus (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) ] created by Merck Laboratories.


NBC NEWS in New York reported on February 3, 2007 that National organizations opposed to state mandated inoculations do so for four reasons, and they are: 1. There is no emergency present that would require state mandated inoculations; 2. That GARDASIL® has not been around long enough to be proven to actually protect woman from cervical cancer; 3. That requiring such under the belief it will afford such protection will send the wrong message to teenage girls; and 4. Those pushing such legislation on the state levels have been found to be or will be on the payroll of Merck and/or made promises of future campaign contributions/support. In light of the foregoing revealed on NBC NEWS, the people of DC have a right to ask Council members Catania and Cheh what promises were made directly or indirectly to them by MERCK or its alter-egos to introduce B17-0030 "HPV Vaccination & Reporting Act of 2007" now that legislators have been exposed on NBC NEWS as being.


Low and behold, Councilwoman Mary Cheh confirmed in her January 31, 2007, OCF Form 16 filing with the DC Office of Campaign Finance that she had in fact received on January 2, 2007 prior to her co-sponsoring B17-0030 "HPV Vaccination & Reporting Act of 2007 a political contribution after the general election from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers in exchange for promoting GARDASIL®.


While there is nothing illegal in what Cheh has done, it does support what many around the country are saying and that is, MERCK is buying politicians off to sponsor legislation notwithstanding the fact that there is no evidence that GARDASIL® is or will be effective in nullifying the Quadrivalent Human Papilloma virus, what the side effects may be and more.


Isn’t it nice to know that for a few lousy buck that our political leaders are ready to play GOD with our lives knowing that there have been so many drugs like VIOXX that the FDA quickly approved and bingo, look at the Hell it caused people.


What would Catania and Cheh say if this GARDASIL® becomes one more drug that the FDA quickly approved that causes harm to our daughters like maybe birth defects in their children or other matters.


Catania and Cheh need to put people before their own profitability!

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