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Within the next 25 years, AIDS is set to join heart disease and stroke as the top three causes of death worldwide, according to a study published online Monday November 27, 2006.


When global mortality projections were last calculated a decade ago, researchers had assumed the number of AIDS cases would be declining. Instead, it's on the rise.


Currently ranked fourth behind heart disease, stroke, and respiratory infections, AIDS is set to become No. 3, say researchers in a new report in the Public Library of Science's Medicine journal. It accounts for about 2.8 million deaths every year. But the researchers estimate a total of nearly 120 million people could die in the next 25 years.


With the District of Columbia having one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the United States, it will be interesting to see how serious Adrian Fenty is in addressing this growing problem by who he choses to head up his Administration for HIV Policy and Programs. Will Fenty appoint a seasoned person or go again with one of his white yuppies under 40 with a short Resume?

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The Administration for HIV Policy and Programs partners with health and community-based organizations to provide HIV/AIDS prevention and care services to District and Washington area eligible residents. Services include medical support, HIV counseling and testing, data and information on HIV/AIDS programs and services as well as on the impact of HIV/AIDS on the community, education, information, referrals, and intervention services. A drug assistance program (ADAP) provides drugs at no cost to eligible District residents who are HIV positive or have AIDS. The Administration for HIV Policy and Programs administers the District’s budget for HIV/AIDS programs, provides grants to service providers, monitors programs, and tracks the incidence of HIV and AIDS in the District of Columbia. Select from the following links to find out more about HIV/AIDS services, reports, and programs.


64 New York Avenue, NE

Suite 5001

Washington, DC 20002

Telephone Number: (202) 671-4900

Senior Deputy Director: Dr. Marsha Martin

AIDS Hotline: (202) 332-AIDS (2437)



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