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UN Weapons Inspector, Scott Ritter to speak at National Mall

Camp Democracy

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TAKE ON THE MEDIA presents former UN Weapons Inspector SCOTT RITTER, just back from a fact-finding mission in Iran, at Camp Democracy on the National Mall (Constitution Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets) in Washington, D.C. this Tuesday evening, September 19 at 7:00 PM. With TIME magazine reporting in its current issue that U.S. Navy forces have been issued an order to prepare to deploy to Iran, Ritter's appearance in the nation's capital could not be happening at a more significant moment. Ritter will address the media's inaccuracies concerning Iran, and will provide his expert analysis of the situation as it now stands. Also appearing: JEFF COHEN, RAY McGOVERN and ROBERT TAICHER. The program will be moderated by JEFF NORMAN, and will conclude with a screening of "RUSH TO WAR."


SCOTT RITTER was one of UNSCOM's most senior weapons inspectors in Iraq between 1991 and 1998, after having served for eight years as an intelligence officer in the US Marine Corps. As a Marine, he conducted arms inspections in the former Soviet Union, and provided analysis of Iraq's missile capacity to General Schwarzkopf in the 1991 Gulf War. Ritter is the author of "Iraq Confidential" and the forthcoming "Target Iran," both published by Nation Books.


"The important thing to know about Scott Ritter is that he was right." - Seymour Hersh


JEFF COHEN worked for MSNBC as an on-air commentator and senior producer of Donahue, until the show was terminated on the eve of the Iraq war. Before that, he was a weekly panelist on Fox News Channel's "News Watch," and briefly co-host of CNN's "Crossfire." Over the years, he has been a frequent guest on national TV and radio, including "The Today Show," "Larry King Live," "The O'Reilly Factor," C-SPAN, and NPR. He is the author of "Cable News Confidential: My Misadventures in Corporate Media," published by PoliPointPress. More info at www.CableNewsConfidential.com.


"Jeff Cohen's dissection of cable TV news is both irresistibly funny and civically painful. It goes from uproarious anecdotes to those that make you wince." - Molly Ivins


RAY McGOVERN was a CIA analyst for 27 years, serving seven presidents. He is on the Steering Group of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). McGovern recently attracted widespread attention after he publicly confronted Donald Rumsfeld about the Defense Secretary's claims concerning weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Video of the encounter and related media coverage at

and http://youtube.com/watch?v=BnwqjohEdis


RUSH TO WAR, directed by ROBERT TAICHER, is the most comprehensive and authoritative documentary to date of U.S. foreign policy and the consequences of unilateral, preemptive aggression by the world's only remaining superpower. Interviews with Anthony Zinni, Scott Ritter, Joe Wilson, George McGovern, and Howard Zinn provide a deep and thorough understanding of the Bush administration's "War on Terror." More info at www.RushToWar.com


TAKE ON THE MEDIA, founded by JEFF NORMAN, is a multi-dimensional campaign featuring some of the most credible media and intelligence analysts in the world. The primary objectives are to expose media bias and negligence, to provide the public with information the corporate media ignores, distorts or censors, and to support independent media. More info at www.TakeOnTheMedia.org.


CAMP DEMOCRACY, a non-partisan camp for peace, democracy, and the restoration of the rule of law, launched on September 5 and is now scheduled to run until at least October 1. Camp Casey moved from Crawford, TX to Washington, D.C. to create a larger venue focused not only on ending the war, but also on righting injustices here at home and holding the Bush administration and Congress accountable..

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If you think by running away that you are going to solve some thing, then what ever you are smoking, or drinking? SERVE me a triple.


Like I have said before, people out there are not stupid.


The democrats want to pull out of Iraq, they have said it time, and again. Doing that would be incredibly dumb, giving Iraq to the terrorists with ALL OF THAT OIL? "Oh lordy!"


China supports Iran namely because they want to use them so they can get Taiwan back.


Russia, well they just want to get even with the United States for losing the cold war.


This is really not rocket science "people".

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Unfortunetely we cannot run away from our responsibilities. But, George Bush's policy has been disastrous.


According to the latest ­Time poll, not only does the public no longer believe there's a link between 9/11 and Iraq, but in fact, the public feels the Iraq War has hurt the war on terrorism.[Time, 9/5/06] George Bush and the Republican-led Congress have blocked efforts to enact the bi-partisan 9/11 recommendations and fund critical programs to protect America.


Any intelligent American citizen knows this. The problem is that the majority of this country is cram packed full of morons and couch commandos that believe we are at war with everybody.


When will Republicans wake from their ignorant slumber?


Who knows....


Maybe we should start going for the dumb redneck vote?

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